• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

    Click here for details of this edition

Caver's Quiz Night

graham said:
Les W said:
Big thankyou to Cap'n Chris and co. for a superb evening, the butcombe was on form even if a couple of the questions were slightly suspect :D

cap'n chris said:
I suspect WCC will just turn up and win anyway
Spot on with your prophecy there Chris :D

Ubique Primus (WCC motto!(that's latin for stoves everywhere or something))

Yeah well, we'd have beaten you if the Wessex VP on our team could remember his own book!!!

But I agree Big Thank You to Chris & the Cheddar for a very enjoyable evening.

If the Fleabags had exercised just a litle more thought (instead of chatting amongst ourselves) we'd have beaten both of you! :?

Many thanks, Chris & co - good fun!!
Thanks Chris - a great evening with so many cavers present. How about putting some of the questions on the forum so all the veiwers will be able to enjoy the challenge? Then in a weeks time you could post the answers. However I didn't like the elephant's legs question!!!!
1) According to Mendip Underground, in metres, what is the vertical range of Gough's Cave?
a) 50m
b) 70m
c) 90m

2) The Hall of the Mountain King is a chamber in which cave?

3) Claustrophobia is the fear of enclosed spaces; what is nyctophobia a fear of?

4) Which came first; the chicken or the egg?

5) Swildon's Hole is presently the longest cave on Mendip; what is the second longest cave?

6) If there are six apples and you take away four, how many apples do you have?

7) At 292 hectares, which Mendip (swallet) cave has the largest catchment area?

8) Kazumura cave is presently the world's longest cave of its type. What type (geologically) of cave is it?

9) In what cave would you find the Tie Press?

10) How many legs does an elephant have if you count his trunk as a leg?

11) Where does Chris Castle work?

12) Is it dark underground?

13) According to Mendip Underground, which cave is longer? - Sidcot Swallet or Rod's Pot?

14) What is the principle constituent of air?

15) "Army Arse" is an anagram of which TV presenter who also happens to enjoy spending a lot of time in the woods?

16) How many 3p stamps do you get in a dozen?

17) Whereabouts underground would you find Roman Way?

18) What quite popular cave is situated almost opposite Goatchurch Cavern?

19) How many species of bat are presently recorded in the UK?
a) 10
b) 13
c) 17

20) Which cave is presently the deepest on Mendip?

21) Z-squeeze is a feature found in which cave?

22) How many months of the year contain 28 days?

23) Are there any tight squeezes?

24) Herbert Balch preferred to use candles in his caving exploits; they became known by the acronym B.D.I.. What did Beady Eye stand for?

25) The Chunnel is a long chamber; in which cave is it to be found?

26) The Bridge is a natural geological feature found in which Mendip cave?

27) Carbide or LED?

... you get the idea.....
(it's just like actually being there!)
How about these...

1) Which caving region has the deepest natural pitch in Britain?

2) Which caving county has no good caves in it at all?

3) Why has Scotland got no caves..?

4) In which caving area do all the caves smell of cowsh..?

5) Why are racks better than Stops?

6)...... well I guess a brawl will have started by now..... :shock:
Hmm,.... RTF, nope..... RJY, dammit,.... RWQ, hell!,..... RJR! Hoorah

Apparently there's more than one British cavern with a HofTMK :wink:
ian mckenzie said:
Hope the right answer is 'none', because that name has been deleted from 'RJR'.
BTW, can anybody spell 'RJR'?

What / who is RJR?

and no I can't spell it!
Is Hall of the Mountain King in Craig y ffynon (I bet I spelt that wrong..)?
cap 'n chris said:
Yes, but there's also one Ooooooop Nooooooooorth somewhere, apparently.

Yep, in Mistral ... it's full of the best, gloopiest mud - think thigh deep melted chocolate. Also the home of the naked ladyboy sculpture that was mentioned in another thread.
Rachel said:
cap 'n chris said:
Yes, but there's also one Ooooooop Nooooooooorth somewhere, apparently.

Yep, in Mistral ... it's full of the best, gloopiest mud - think thigh deep melted chocolate

When I were a lad in were in Pippikin. I can't help but think that the opening up of Mistral was a real shame.