Cwmorthin Slate Mine gate vandalism

Peter Burgess

New member
It has been suggested on AditNow that this is posted here, so that everyone can be aware of the issue and the potential threat to free access from these actions.

(From Miles on Mine Explorer)
It's with regret that I have to report that some muppet has broken the main gate yesterday by attacking it with large angle grinder. Rather than just break the chain to get in, this person has gone to the trouble of cutting all the hinges off the gate and frame with the intent of preventing the gate being locked again.

The police have been on site all afternoon gathering forensics and are pursuing leads. The offender hasn't just caused serious criminal damage and committed breaking and entering, they have also endangered public safety by opening a secured mine on public access land.

This behaviour seriously jeopardises access for everyone, as keeping the mine accessible is entirely dependant on proving that it can be kept secured and safe. It also jeopardises my family business which depends on that mine.

Given the recent spate of idiots and the seriousness of the recent vandalism, I'm going to have to give some serious thought to the long term security and protection of the mine.

Peter Burgess

New member
(From Miles on Mine Explorer)
It's with regret that I have to report that some muppet has broken the main gate yesterday by attacking it with large angle grinder. Rather than just break the chain to get in, this person has gone to the trouble of cutting all the hinges off the gate and frame with the intent of preventing the gate being locked again.

The police have been on site all afternoon gathering forensics and are pursuing leads. The offender hasn't just caused serious criminal damage and committed breaking and entering, they have also endangered public safety by opening a secured mine on public access land.

This behaviour seriously jeopardises access for everyone, as keeping the mine accessible is entirely dependant on proving that it can be kept secured and safe. It also jeopardises my family business which depends on that mine.

Given the recent spate of idiots and the seriousness of the recent vandalism, I'm going to have to give some serious thought to the long term security and protection of the mine.
I guess so.



New member
Not much point posting it here, apparently all our access problems have been solved and discussion on the topic has been banned at the request of the Pro CRoW class warriors, and some people who got bored with the topic :)

Must admit we passed a few mining types on their way back from the place a month or two back who seemed very surprised to find it locked, it certainly spoiled their plans for the day.

Can't find any details on the Mine Explorer site as you have to be registered - one forum is enough for me so I'm not playing that game!

Peter Burgess

New member
Bottlebank said:
Can't find any details on the Mine Explorer site as you have to be registered - one forum is enough for me so I'm not playing that game!
That's one reason why it will have been reposted to AditNow I suppose. And, no, we clearly are not allowed to discuss gating sites here any more; that's why I posted this as part of an information service.  :coffee:

Roger W

Well-known member
Details of when and why the gate was fitted can be found here:

The link in the OP seems out of date, but looks helpful.

Access seems to have been easy enough, with some precautions to keep small children and casual picnickers from wandering in and getting lost.  Or maybe there's something I don't know.  But it looks as if the "I've got a right to go wherever I please" lot have been having a go again...


Ian Adams

Well-known member
This is very frustrating and obviously both very annoying and sad.

This is not, however, a simply case of someone breaking into a mine.

The leaseholder of the mine has gone to great lengths to ensure ease of access. He started with the basis that the landowner wanted to demolish the entrance (thereby there being no access to anyone at all) and he persuaded him to agree to a gate.

The gate was no ordinary gate either.

Firstly it used a combination lock and the code for the lock was freely available on an automated email reply (notes on the gate how to get it and a mobile phone number to ring when you were stood at the gate without it). It was also advertised on the website for the mine.

Secondly, the gate simply lifted off the hinges. The reason for this was precisely to avoid vandalism and the need to have to repair it afterwards. In other words, if you really didn?t want to go to the bother of obtaining the gate code you could lift the gate off and enter anyway.

Historically there has been many incidents of vandalism including throwing the gate in a nearby lake, grinding off the lock, bars etc. None of this was necessary and it is quite clear that the ?sustained? vandalism has a very dark undertone and the leaseholder is clearly right to pursue the matter with the police as it is evident this mindlessness will continue no matter what he does.

It certainly isn?t the case a ?miffed? explorer just wanted access and took matters into his own hands.



Staff member
Bottlebank said:
Not much point posting it here, apparently all our access problems have been solved and discussion on the topic has been banned at the request of the Pro CRoW class warriors, and some people who got bored with the topic :)

Untrue - Access problems not solved, probably never will be.  Topic not closed at request of so called class warriors.  More likely closed as it had returned to a topic which has caused real problems for the UKC site administrators in the past.

Inflammatory - Was this very unhelpful comment posted just to wind people up and aggravate the discussions on the related thread.



Badlad said:
Bottlebank said:
Not much point posting it here, apparently all our access problems have been solved and discussion on the topic has been banned at the request of the Pro CRoW class warriors, and some people who got bored with the topic :)

Untrue - Access problems not solved, probably never will be.  Topic not closed at request of so called class warriors.  More likely closed as it had returned to a topic which has caused real problems for the UKC site administrators in the past.

Inflammatory - Was this very unhelpful comment posted just to wind people up and aggravate the discussions on the related thread.


[gmod]Let's try very hard to stay on topic and discuss the issue at hand.

Bottlebank: I know you added a smiley, but your post was unnecessarily provocative. The previous access thread was not locked in response to any request or due to to the fact that it had strayed into discussing Ogof Drws Cefn. It was locked because it became bitchy and personal.[/gmod]


New member
We can't all have the same sense of humour. Sorry, it wasn't meant to be provocative - more a light hearted comment on how short a time it's taken us to get back to access :)

Thinking back the two guys I mentioned earlier also claimed the lock had been changed? I wonder whether this has anything to do with gates removal?

Ian Adams

Well-known member
The lock had recently been changed because the previous one had been vandalised.

The code is still available and the gate will still lift off ....



when i have been in the area and visited Cwm i have never found acces to be a problem, getting hold of the code for the padlock has never been a problem


Active member
In terms of access to a gated/locked site, it doesn't get much easier than Cwmorthin. I agree with Ian: totally unneccessary vandalism and very disturbing....

It's a bloody sight easier to carry a phone up there than a cordless angle grinder.


New member
I can't think of *anyone* that would want to do this. Cwmorthin is often held up as the role model for "if you have to gate it, this is how we would like it to be done", and rightly so. I have never had an issue getting the code, and cannot see any access related issue with the gate.



Well-known member
NewStuff said:
I can't think of *anyone* that would want to do this. Cwmorthin is often held up as the role model for "if you have to gate it, this is how we would like it to be done", and rightly so. I have never had an issue getting the code, and cannot see any access related issue with the gate.

Very true, installed as a last resort by explorers, for explorers