• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

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Dave Whitely RIP


Sad news I am afraid...

I have just learnt that Dave Whitely has passed away.

His funeral will be tomorrow, Tuesday 2nd of June, at 11am at Dukinfield Cemetry.
There will be drinks in The Crown in Glossop afterwards.

Very sad news. A loss to Derbyshire caving cos Dave was a great bloke.

Condolences to family and close friends.

I attended Dave's funeral yesterday and I am sure that Nick, Robby and Katie will agree that it was very fitting and in the spirit of how Dave lived his life. I know that hew would have approved also of the pints of Sam Smiths drunk in The Crown afterwards.

Dave has left me with allot of treasured memories many of which provoke me to laugh out loud.

Cheers me'owd.

I feel awful, should have organised something here sooner, just figured everyone knew..........
Dave was a great mate, we went through a lot together and he will be sadly missed by many people.
A 'wake' is being organised in his memory - to sup a few pints of 'Absolution'  -Dave's favourite pint in the Three Stags Heads at Wardlow Mire.
I will post details as and when.
'Mad Dave', (or 'Dave the Rave') will be strongly remembered by us all, a real character and a real friend.
I think more people would turn up if it was at the Red Lion at Litton, which sells Absolution. The Stags is ok but it depends on the mood Geoff's in,

I would vote Red Lion

But if it has to be the Stags so be it.
AndyF said:
Sad to hear that, I met him a few times, he was a great guy..

me to, so many Dave's i was not sure if we were referring to the one i was thinking of (now confirmed) and would also like to just say that the weekend i met him was fondly memorable  :beer2:
Yup, indeed a great bloke, and a great loss. Certainly not got a bad word to say about him.

Here's a snap of him at Moose & Kate's wedding in Prague:

Yes, I think you're right about the Red Lion, also I hear the Three Stags is only open weekends?
I'm liaising with Don Flint on this one, so will get back asap.
Just been watching Dave Webb's all time classic video footage of the occasion Mad Dave drove his Land Rover into several shake holes up on Hurdlow, culminating in a nose dive into one, and the subsequent self rescue! Sums up Dave wonderfully - I mean the tenacity and resourcefullness!
Hey, I wonder if anyone can help me with something. I've bumped into Dave's daughters recently (one of whom I used to work with and the other I met on a course) and they have hardly any video footage of Dave. Dennis above talks about some footage that Dave Webb had of Dave driving his land rover on Hurdlow. Dave's daughters Sally and Emily would dearly like to obtain a copy of this. I've emailed Dave Webb but in the meantime does anyone know if this footage is in Dave's 'Titan from the Top' video that is available on Dave's website?


Funnily enough I watched this again only last week, and I don't think there is, to be honest - there's some footage of Moose driving one, but not much of that either. Possibly a shot or two with an unidentified driver, but not much to go on!
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Funnily enough I watched this again only last week, and I don't think there is, to be honest - there's some footage of Moose driving one, but not much of that either. Possibly a shot or two with an unidentified driver, but not much to go on!
Thanks for this; really helpful. I’ll wait to see if Dave Webb can help but I’m the meantime I’d be grateful for any other info that anyone might have about photos and video of Dave. Feel free to send me a private message on here. 👍
Thanks to Dave Webb and Isaac Dave’s daughters Sally and Emily have now got a great copy of this Land Rover footage. There’s loads of footage of Dave and they’re really pleased. Thanks all 👍