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Hidden Earth 2015 Photo and Video Salons

Please note the following updates to the Photo and Video salons for 2015

Changes to the Photo Salon for 2015. As last year, there will be no entry on the day. Entries must be made online, in advance (when the Online Entry Form becomes available a few weeks before the event). Details...
[list type=decimal]
[*]Digital entries must be uploaded in advance this year - that is, you will not be able to deposit digital entries on the day.
[*]Print entry forms must be completed online in advance. (We trialed this last year, and it seemed to work, so it will now become standard. However, please note the earlier deadline, given below).
[*]The deadline for online entry, this year, is 11pm on the Thursday before the event.[*] We also ask you to upload thumbnail images of your print entries and an optional mug-shot. Details will be on the online form when it is available in a few weeks time. [/list]
Do not leave entry until the last moment!

Changes to the Video Salon for 2015.
  • The long (20 minute) competition will not take place this year - entries are limited to 10 minutes.
  • You must enter the competition online and upload your media to us, using the Online Entry Form (when it is available, in a few weeks time), to arrive by the Friday, two weeks before the event.
  • Entries must be in a file format that is compatible with Windows-based PC playback equipment.
Further information can be found at http://hidden-earth.org.uk/competitions/forms.html
The Photo Salon entry form should be ready by early next week. If you are thinking of entering, you can save time later by assembling the information now. This year we are asking you to upload all files in advance. That is - not only do you need to complete an online entry form, but you need to have all your files to hand for uploading. Viz...
  • Your digital competition entries (up to 8 entries)
  • Your digital fun-shot entries (up to three)
  • Your "mug shot" for us to use at the closing ceremony... if you win
  • Thumbnail copies of your monochrome print entries (up to eight) for us to use at the closing ceremony
  • Thumbnail copies of your colour print entries (up to eight) for us to use at the closing ceremony
Obviously, you will need to bring your print entries with you, but please note that we are also asking you to upload 'thumbnails' in advance. Actually, "thumbnail" is the wrong description, because they need to be a high-enough resolution to project. The official wording is " Files should be sized to fit on a screen 1280 pixels wide by 1024 pixels high, and in JPG format".

If you prepare all that in advance, the late arrival of the online entry form shouldnt cause you too much of a problem :)  But please note that there is a deadline - entry forms must be completed online by the Thursday evening before the event.

Details of the competition are at http://hidden-earth.org.uk/competitions/photo.html

I will make an announcement here, when the online entry form is ready for use.

As noted above, the reason we're asking for copies of your print entries is so we can project them at the Closing Ceremony. It saves us having to go around photographing the display boards. Your photos will only be used at the Closing Ceremony. In theory, having all the photos submitted in advance with computer-generated file names is going to save a lot of people a lot of time... but we'll see. Something is bound to go wrong.



Aaaaarghh! Just realised if you're not attending then you need to have your photos in by THIS Friday?!  :eek:

Mine are still in the priinters  :cautious:
rom82 said:
Aaaaarghh! Just realised if you're not attending then you need to have your photos in by THIS Friday?!  :eek:

The reason for the early deadline is that you are very dependent on the person youre posting them to (i.e. me, this year) actually getting to the event, so the more time you give us to sort out any logistical problems, the better. In fact, I have been pushing to ban postal entries altogether because, to be honest, they are a complete nuisance. For 2016, we may well do that and say that you either have to turn up with your prints, or give them to someone to take for you.  Just warning you all in advance :)

So, for this year... if your prints cannot get to me by the deadline, do you have someone who can take them to Hidden Earth for you?

Duncan S

New member
A left-field option for submitting prints if you aren't attending....
DH James in Wells offer an online print and mounting service; they are excellent quality and reasonably priced.
I'm happy to pick up prints from there and take them to HE.

Not ideal if you have already ordered the prints, but it's another option if you can't find someone to take them to HE for you :)
DavidGibson said:
In fact, I have been pushing to ban postal entries altogether because, to be honest, they are a complete nuisance

I didnt mean that to sound dismissive. The rules say " you can post your entries", so please do... if you want to. Dont let me put you off.

The photo salon form should now be working. Go to http://hidden-earth.org.uk/competitions/forms.html and follow the link.  Although... Im still finding last-minute bugs. Its crazy the way browsers are not compatible. I mean... if half the cars on the road had the pedals the wrong way round, we wouldnt put up with it. We wouldnt let car manufacturers say "well, WE think they should be this way round".

Anyway... please give it a go but be prepared for odd things to happen. More tomorrow.


Thanks guys! I was holding out to respond just in case my photos arrived today, which they did. I'll now make inquiries as to whether the postal service can get them to you by tomorrow. My situation is more complex owing to the fact that I live in Ireland but I am close to the border and will be able to post by British Mail, assuming they reckon it will arrive tomorrow. Otherwise I don't know anyone heading to HE this year. I was holding out til the last moment as I was hoping to be going myself but that won't be happening this year!

Thanks Duncan for the generous offer. Had I not already spent a (small) fortune on printing I would have likely availed of it, but thanks for the help anyway :)


David, what is the postal address? The link provided seems to say to contact the co-ordinator. I will check with the post office before sending anything to ensure it will arrive by tomorrow


The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
I am sorry but to me it all sounds a bit complicated and long winded and to be honest it has put me off entering. You say CD's for digital entries I assume DVD's are OK too. Where do we post them ? I was thinking of the fun section as my photos are not much cop anywhere else. ;)
The Old Ruminator said:
You say CD's for digital entries I assume DVD's are OK too. Where do we post them ?

Apologies; and thanks for spotting the mistake.  The paragraph on file formats has clearly not been updated. It should read... File Formats. Digital entries must be submitted in JPG format and uploaded using the online entry form.
Just a reminder that the Photo Salon entry form is now running. Follow the link from http://hidden-earth.org.uk/competitions/forms.html

Photo Salon entries must be completed and all your photos uploaded by 11pm on Thursday 24 September. 

Please take a look at the form before 5 to 11, and maybe even give it a trial run, just so you know how it all works. You can submit your entry form as many times as you like - we'll use the last one that you send in.


Done my entry, Quite painless.

I didn't realise your script re-names all the files as it uploads them, I changed all the file names before hand to match the form  :-[
Antwan said:
I didn't realise your script re-names all the files as it uploads them, I changed all the file names before hand to match the form  :-[

I will amend the notes to emphasise that point. Thanks for pointing it out.