Hidden Earth 2023 Confirmed Lectures, Films and Workshops


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The Dachstein Caving Expeditions 2022 and 2023​


There have been British caving expeditions to the Dachstein plateau in Austria for over 40 years. In this talk, we briefly review the history of the expedition and discuss the results of the 2022 and August 2023 expedition.


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Unveiling the Hidden Depths: Subterranean Photogrammetry and 3D Scanning for Cave Surveying, Rescue, and Preservation​


Caves hold an enduring allure, captivating humanity with their mystery, beauty, and scientific importance. As our understanding of cave ecosystems and their ecological significance deepens, the need for precise and non-invasive methods for study, exploration, and protection has grown. This seminar highlights ground-breaking advancements in Subterranean Photogrammetry and 3D Scanning, which will revolutionize cave surveying, rescue, and preservation.


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The Ario Reality and other Draughting Rifts​


Perseverance through small rifts and plenty of draught chasing in recent years set up the 2023 expedition to the Ario area of the Western Massif of the Pico de Europa to be an absolute cracker. Over three weeks in June and July the team extended four main caves.


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Been on an expedition or had discovery success in the UK. Whatever you've been up to for the past few years, we'd love to hear about it. Submit your lecture, film or workshop session online... https://hidden.earth/lectures/submit


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TunnelVR - An easy way to draw 3D surveys that makes sense to people​


Nowadays cheap and available Virtual Reality hardware with the Godot games engine makes it possible to draw cave surveys from the inside (the way they were experienced), but then view and interact with the 3D model on a normal smart phone. Demos will be provided to anyone at anytime during the conference.

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Been on an expedition or had discovery success in the UK. Whatever you've been up to for the past few years, we'd love to hear about it. Submit your lecture, film or workshop session online... https://hidden.earth/lectures/submit


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The New Wave of Paperless Survey Devices​


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Been on an expedition or had discovery success in the UK. Whatever you've been up to for the past few years, we'd love to hear about it. Submit your lecture, film or workshop session online... https://hidden.earth/lectures/submit


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5 km of new cave in the dales: an a-mazing search for a missing master cave​


Stang Forest - this far north-eastern corner of the Yorkshire Dales hasn’t always got the attention it deserved. But water sinking in the vicinity is thought to arise some four and half kilometres away in a large resurgence at Roughton Keld. This potential has led to renewed interest from York Caving Club, North York Moors Caving Club and friends.

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Submit your session for Hidden Earth 2023
Been on an expedition or had discovery success in the UK. Whatever you've been up to for the past few years, we'd love to hear about it. Submit your lecture, film or workshop session online... https://hidden.earth/lectures/submit

cap n chris

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Did anyone attend the (May 2023) conference on Interplanetary Cave exploration (Moon and Mars are the venues; Moon will be humans exploring whereas Mars will be autonomous robots/drones); it was the 4th Conference on the topic and although I was on the island (Lanzarote) when it was on I didn't want to pay Eur300 for the honour of attending something at which I would be out of my depth; perhaps a UK scientisty-type-caver was there and could do a round up of what Off-Planet Cave Exploration is in the offing; obviously they'll be looking for bacteria/archaea/dark life out of the UV sunlight zone. I have footage of ESA robots on the island being test-bedded but that's not really lecture-worthy. Anyone interested in this kind of stuff or is it just me?


Did anyone attend the (May 2023) conference on Interplanetary Cave exploration (Moon and Mars are the venues; Moon will be humans exploring whereas Mars will be autonomous robots/drones); it was the 4th Conference on the topic and although I was on the island (Lanzarote) when it was on I didn't want to pay Eur300 for the honour of attending something at which I would be out of my depth; perhaps a UK scientisty-type-caver was there and could do a round up of what Off-Planet Cave Exploration is in the offing; obviously they'll be looking for bacteria/archaea/dark life out of the UV sunlight zone. I have footage of ESA robots on the island being test-bedded but that's not really lecture-worthy. Anyone interested in this kind of stuff or is it just me?
There were some amazing talks at the American Geophysical Union conference when I attended a few years ago. The stuff about caves on Mars was fascinating, even talk about developing the next evolution of space suits with caving in mind as that’s the environment colonisation will take place in the lava tubes.


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Cavers' Just a Minute​


A bit of light entertainment in Hidden Earth is worthwhile, and has been element at many events over the years. Two previous Hidden Earth events have hosted this famous parlour game( featured for over half a century on Radio Four). Four players are needed to participate. In turn over the period of the session each one must speak on the (speleological) topic selected by the chairman for one minute without deviation, repetition (apart from the words used to describe the topic) or hesitation for one minute. Other players can challenge breaches of the rules. Points are awarded for successful challenges, completing the topic without interruption and to whoever is talking when the minute ends.


Submit your session for Hidden Earth 2023
Been on an expedition or had discovery success in the UK. Whatever you've been up to for the past few years, we'd love to hear about it. Submit your lecture, film or workshop session online... https://hidden.earth/lectures/submit


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Matienzo in the 2020s​


British cavers have been visiting Matienzo in northern Spain for decades. This timeless village, home to a bar that never stops serving, sits in an enormous enclosed karst depression known to cavers as the Happy Valley. The number of known caves in the area exceeds 5,000 and the longest systems include the Four Valleys (72km long), Cueva Vallina (37.5km) and the South Vega (34.8km).

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Wild World: Izvor Licanke - all in the planning​


Since 2015, British cave diver Christine Grosart has been exploring and extending a cave system in Croatia called Izvor Licanke.

Despite Covid, the team extended the system to be over 2km long, discovering new dry chambers of gargantuan dimensions. Christine will talk about how the expedition has been going, as well as discussing how to run a trip of this nature and avoiding pitfalls along the way.

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Submit your session for Hidden Earth 2023
Been on an expedition or had discovery success in the UK. Whatever you've been up to for the past few years, we'd love to hear about it. Submit your lecture, film or workshop session online... https://hidden.earth/lectures/submit


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Caving in the Abode of the Clouds, Meghalaya 2020 to 2023​

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The Caving in the abode of the Clouds Project has been active in the small, cave-rich state of Meghalaya in North East India for over 30yrs. Each year, apart from 2021, multi-national teams have joined with our Indian counterparts to explore many fine caves being a mixture of large river systems, huge relic passages and many fine shafts. The significance of Meghalaya as a caving region has been emphasised by the discover of the worlds longest cave in a sandstone type rock and the worlds largest cave fish.

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Submit your session for Hidden Earth 2023
Been on an expedition or had discovery success in the UK. Whatever you've been up to for the past few years, we'd love to hear about it. Submit your lecture, film or workshop session online... https://hidden.earth/lectures/submit


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Snottites, Slime and Oozes – Derbyshire Mine Biofilms​


Jelly-like pendulous ‘snottites’, gelatinous oozes and mucoidal slimes, while sounding like something from a low-budget alien horror film, are descriptions of some of the biofilms found in Derbyshire mine environments.

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Totes Gebirge (CUCC) expedition 2023​


This year, cavers from all over the UK returned to the Totes Gebirge region of Austria to continue exploring the caves of the Loser Augst-Eck plateau, building on decades of exploration by the Cambridge University Caving Club (and friends). Over 6 weeks this summer, a record-breaking 51 people joined the expedition - many students and over a third also joining for their first expedition.

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A sink to rising Fairy tale in Weardale​


At 3.5km in length, Fairy Holes is one of the most significant stream caves in the country, with some passage dimensions more akin to south wales than other classic yoredale series caverns. Long considered apocryphal, new discoveries put the tale in a fresh light. 2022 saw major upstream extensions in Fairy Holes, with 1.3km of cave in several branches now mapped beyond the previous 'sump'.



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Forgotten Voices Speak: Recording Historic Graffiti in Kents Cavern​

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In January 2023, a pilot project to record the historic graffiti in Kents Cavern, a showcave in Torquay, was carried out in the area of the cave known as the Bear's Den as part of the cave's Conservation Plan. The chamber contains the earliest dated inscription in the cave, William Petre 1571, and a vast wealth of other names and initials.

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Space is running out for for Hidden Earth 2023, submit your session now...
Been on an expedition or had discovery success in the UK. Whatever you've been up to for the past few years, we'd love to hear about it. Submit your lecture, film or workshop session online... https://hidden.earth/lectures/submit


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Nagaland caving expedition 2022-2023​


Nagaland is a state in northeast India on the border with Myanmar. The terrain is rugged, steep and densely forested. From the 19th of December 2022 to the 6th of January 2023 a multinational team of cavers visited an area in the east of the state with the aim of exploring and documenting the local caves. This presentation will give an overview of the findings of this expedition and will include a 30-minute film documenting the search for caves.

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Space is running out for for Hidden Earth 2023, submit your session now...
Been on an expedition or had discovery success in the UK. Whatever you've been up to for the past few years, we'd love to hear about it. Submit your lecture, film or workshop session online... https://hidden.earth/lectures/submit


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Evidence of a Past Acid-Metal Mine Pollution Event Found within a Macrotidal Estuary on Anglesey​


Acid-metal mine wastewater is a source of heavy metal pollution within the United Kingdom. This occurs due to a lack of remediation of closed Acid metal mines preventing mine water seepage. Evidence of a past marine pollution event on Anglesey due to a release of acid mine wastewater from Myndd Parys was recorded in the sediment present in Dulas Bay estuary, a macro tidal estuary 4.4km away.

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Space is running out for for Hidden Earth 2023, submit your session now...
Been on an expedition or had discovery success in the UK. Whatever you've been up to for the past few years, we'd love to hear about it. Submit your lecture, film or workshop session online... https://hidden.earth/lectures/submit


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Vietnam & Laos Expedition​


Overview of 2020 Laos expedition, 2020 & 2023 Vietnam expedition. A round up of recent Vietnam Cave Project Expeditions to the karst mountain range of Phong Nha Ke Bang Massif (Vietnam) & Hin Nam No (Laos) to continue exploring and surveying the mountains underground rivers.

Space is running out for for Hidden Earth 2023, submit your session now...
Been on an expedition or had discovery success in the UK. Whatever you've been up to for the past few years, we'd love to hear about it. Submit your lecture, film or workshop session online... https://hidden.earth/lectures/submit


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Caves of the North Bristol Outcrop​


The Mendips are the most well known caves in the South West Region but there are others areas of limestone in and around Bristol. This talk focuses on an outcrop of limestone north of Bristol which includes the cave "Fishmongers Swallet" which has been explored by HADES CC and UBSS over many years with unusual discoveries - both geological and archaeological.
