Hidden Earth 2024


Active member
📣 Announcing Hidden Earth 2024!

The location is Llangollen Pavilion in North Wales from the 20th to 22nd September 2024. Keep an eye on the website and social media for updates and ticket info - https://hidden.earth

Lecture submissions are very welcome and are available to submit on the website now. Last year we were totally full so get your slot booked soon.

More details to follow soon! Save the date!


Active member
📣 Announcing Hidden Earth 2024!

The location is Llangollen Pavilion in North Wales from the 20th to 22nd September 2024. Keep an eye on the website and social media for updates and ticket info - https://hidden.earth

Lecture submissions are very welcome and are available to submit on the website now. Last year we were totally full so get your slot booked soon.

More details to follow soon! Save the date!
A great venue we used it for as very successful NAMHO Conference in 2006

Caver Keith

Well-known member
📣 Announcing Hidden Earth 2024!

The location is Llangollen Pavilion in North Wales from the 20th to 22nd September 2024. Keep an eye on the website and social media for updates and ticket info - https://hidden.earth

Lecture submissions are very welcome and are available to submit on the website now. Last year we were totally full so get your slot booked soon.

More details to follow soon! Save the date!
A great venue. This will be my second visit this year. I was there in May for the Llangollen Garden Railway Festival exhibiting a model of the Wuppertal Suspension Railway in G Scale.
