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Hidden Earth 2024: Confirmed Lectures, Films and Workshops


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Back to Buda​


Gunung Buda National Park is the little-known neighbour of Gunung Mulu National Park in Malaysia. Buda has more than 80 km of known cave passages. The Green Cathedral system is almost 30 km long. Since 2003, no one has explored the caves of Buda.


Submit your session for Hidden Earth 2024
Been on an expedition or had discovery success in the UK. Whatever you've been up to for the past few years, we'd love to hear about it. Submit your lecture, film or workshop session online... https://hidden.earth/lectures/submit

Am I a Cavefish?
Exploring the Evolutionary Adaptations and Medical Insights from Blind Cavefish​


The phenomena of the blind cavefish of Mexico demonstrate there is more than what meets the (lack of) eye. These fascinating cavefish are an excellent model for evolutionary development but also could hold the secrets for many disease processes that could potentially aid modern medicine.


Submit your session for Hidden Earth 2024
Been on an expedition or had discovery success in the UK. Whatever you've been up to for the past few years, we'd love to hear about it. Submit your lecture, film or workshop session online... https://hidden.earth/lectures/submit
This thread highlights just two of the lectures - but if you click the links to 'read more' you can also see the current list of eleven lectures.

The Dachstein Caving Expedition​


The Dachstein caving expedition has been exploring the high Alpine plateau of the Dachstein in Austria for over 50 years. It is a primarily British expedition but international expedition with cavers from countries such as Ireland, Germany, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic etc. We focus on training for new cavers, offering discounts for young cavers and training new-to-expedition cavers before and during the expedition.

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Submit your session for Hidden Earth 2024
Been on an expedition or had discovery success in the UK. Whatever you've been up to for the past few years, we'd love to hear about it. Submit your lecture, film or workshop session online... https://hidden.earth/lectures/submit
An Electronic Cave Rescue Incident Management System


Traditionally cave rescues have been managed using a T card board along with a hand written incident log. This system has stood the test of time. So why change anything?

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Submit your session for Hidden Earth 2024
Been on an expedition or had discovery success in the UK. Whatever you've been up to for the past few years, we'd love to hear about it. Submit your lecture, film or workshop session online... https://hidden.earth/lectures/submit


Sulphate caves and karst in the South Harz Mountains, Central Germany​

45 minute Lecture by John Gunn


Globally the majority of caves are epigenic (formed by water descending from the surface) and have formed in carbonate rocks but there are also fascinating and extensive caves in sulphate rocks (gypsum and anhydrite) many of which were formed by hypogenic processes (fluids rising from depth). In the South Harz area of Central Germany there is a 100 km long continuous belt of evaporitic rock of Upper Permian (Zechstein) age within which there are large areas of outcropping gypsum rocks with anhydrite at depth underlain by carbonate rocks.

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Submit your session for Hidden Earth 2024
Been on an expedition or had discovery success in the UK. Whatever you've been up to for the past few years, we'd love to hear about it. Submit your lecture, film or workshop session online... https://hidden.earth/lectures/submit
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Mulu, the longer journey to Benarat​

45 minute Lecture by Tim Allen


This is the story of a pre covid and post covid expedition to Gunung Benarat, Mulu.


Submit your session for Hidden Earth 2024
Been on an expedition or had discovery success in the UK. Whatever you've been up to for the past few years, we'd love to hear about it. Submit your lecture, film or workshop session online... https://hidden.earth/lectures/submit


Descent at 300​


The October 2024 edition of Descent will be issue 300. Founded in January 1969 – when a first edition could be paid for with a half-crown coin, the Beatles were still together and humans had not yet set foot on the moon – Descent has been a huge part of the caving world for over half a century. This presentation brings together the current editor, Chris Scaife, and former editor, Chris Howes, to be interviewed on stage by our Scotland correspondent, Alan Jeffreys, about the past, present and future of the magazine of underground exploration.

Submit your session for Hidden Earth 2024
Been on an expedition or had discovery success in the UK. Whatever you've been up to for the past few years, we'd love to hear about it. Submit your lecture, film or workshop session online... https://hidden.earth/lectures/submit


Achik Kol - Uncharted Caves of South Garo Hills​

Achik Kol - Thomas Arbenz - W.jpg

A video documentary covering CORE GEO-EXPEDITIONS' 2024 caving expedition in South Garo Hills, Meghalaya, NE-India. During a period of three weeks a team of 16 cavers from UK, Romania, Switzerland and India explored and surveyed 52 caves with a total of 12.7km of passage.


Submit your session for Hidden Earth 2024
Been on an expedition or had discovery success in the UK. Whatever you've been up to for the past few years, we'd love to hear about it. Submit your lecture, film or workshop session online... https://hidden.earth/lectures/submit


How Wet is Wales Really?​

45 minute Lecture by Graham Christian

How Wet is Wales Really - Graham Christian - W.jpg

South Wales Caving Club members have been monitoring the rainfall at Penwyllt for over 20 years. This presentation looks at the drivers for starting to monitor the local rainfall and then the more recent monitoring of the stream level in Ogof Ffynnon Ddu One. We look at the equipment used and the problems that cropped up and how they were resolved. The construction details and software used will be discussed along with early results and future developments.

Submit your session for Hidden Earth 2024
Been on an expedition or had discovery success in the UK. Whatever you've been up to for the past few years, we'd love to hear about it. Submit your lecture, film or workshop session online... https://hidden.earth/lectures/submit


ICCC - Pol Stoletja​

45 minute Lecture by Chris Hayes & Ben Richards

ICCC Pol Stoletja - Chris Hayes - W.jpg

Celebrating 30 years of student exploration in Sistem Migovec! Imperial College Caving Club was first invited to Slovenia by the JSPDT in 1994. Looking back over 30 years, what have we done? A brief history of the expedition, a discussion on this years findings, and our aims looking forward.

Submit your session for Hidden Earth 2024
Been on an expedition or had discovery success in the UK. Whatever you've been up to for the past few years, we'd love to hear about it. Submit your lecture, film or workshop session online... https://hidden.earth/lectures/submit


Drawing Underground​

30 minute Lecture by Robin Gray

Drawing underground - Robin Gray - W.jpg

Robin will talk about materials and techniques used in underground sketching and produce a large drawing of a caver who will stand in caving kit.

Submit your session for Hidden Earth 2024
Been on an expedition or had discovery success in the UK. Whatever you've been up to for the past few years, we'd love to hear about it. Submit your lecture, film or workshop session online... https://hidden.earth/lectures/submit


Lava Caves in the Eastern Rift Valley in Kenya​

30 minute Lecture by Joerg Dreybrodt

Lava Caves - Joerg Dreybrodt - W.jpg

In 2022, the East African Rift Valley Lava Cave expedition investigated the western end of the valley, close to Eldoret, and the volcano sites north of Baringo Lake. Based on references from literature, sizable lava caverns were discovered at Silali Volcano.


Submit your session for Hidden Earth 2024
Been on an expedition or had discovery success in the UK. Whatever you've been up to for the past few years, we'd love to hear about it. Submit your lecture, film or workshop session online... https://hidden.earth/lectures/submit


Try a Little Harder​

45 minute Lecture by Fleur Loveridge

Try a Little Harder - Fleur Loveridge - Wide.jpg

The Ario Caves Project team’s unwavering perseverance has paid off. After exploring the tight and awkward Ario Reality, they made a crucial connection into Pozu Jultayu last year. Now, their efforts in the 300m shaft of Tras La Jayarda have revealed new depths, tantalizingly close to the captivating Holier than Thou inlet. Join us to learn about these discoveries and the quest for a way beyond the terminal choke downstream in this remarkable stream cave. 🌄

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Submit your session for Hidden Earth 2024
Been on an expedition or had discovery success in the UK. Whatever you've been up to for the past few years, we'd love to hear about it. Submit your lecture, film or workshop session online... https://hidden.earth/lectures/submit
Still a couple of spaces left for lectures or workshops so if you have anything you'd like to submit, you can do it online now.

Thanks to everyone who's submitted so far, there's some great content on offer for the weekend. We're busy putting the timetable together and it should be available this week.

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