Lamp found at GG winch meet.


Active member
A lamp was found at the GG winch meet.
I think the owner would really want this back.
Please contact the GG part of the BPC website.

braveduck BPC


Active member
Les W said:
Stupot, did you happen to go to the BPC winch meet?  ;) ;)

I did attend, but for once I came back with ALL my kit, although I did lose 10 bars of chocolate .......... mmmmm I wonder where they went  :-[



graham said:
If it's either Petzl or Speleotechnics then it's definitely not Sam T's  :coffee:


actually - the petzl duo is alright. bit plasticy but alright. infact, Im considering using the Duo battery box on a forthcoming Oldham headset mod (instead of a petzl zoom flatpack box).