Lost - red and blue warmbac tackle sack in Pippikin Pot (Easegill system)


Daniel J

Well... not really lost but abandoned  :cautious: :

Did the Top sink to Pippikin pot through trip today (Sunday 15th Jun). I was at the back on the way out through Pippikin and had real trouble getting my tacklesack up the 'awkward' (i.e. bleedin horrible) 1.5 m climb shortly before the 5th(?) pitch. (dragged it to the top with me but it was too wide to fit through the gap that I had clambered over thanks to a darren drum inside) I was starting to cramp and too tired to go back down and have another go. The rest of the group were too far ahead to hear my calls of dismay and when I did catch them everyone was (unsurprisingly) too knackered to go back and get it. As such I left it wedged at the top of the climb and it will be easy to see for anyone going down (or up) Pippikin (it's a red and blue warmbac bag with a black ortlieb dry bag and darren drum inside as well as another yellow tacklesack stuffed in the top).

If you or anyone you know is planning a trip down Pippikin I would be very gratreful if it could be retrieved (it contains all my camera gear) and there's a free crate of beer (or beverage of choice) for the kind soul that does so!

Many Thanks

Daniel Jackson


Tel: 07900659919



It's alright Daniel, we'll go back and get it on Friday (me and Pete).


New member
Yeah we will get it then sell it on ebay!! ;) seriously tho what better excuse than to do Pip to top sink to complete easgill caves once and for all!