Maillon Rapides found


Well-known member
We found 4 maillon rapides hanging off a bolt at the top of the first pitch of Sell Gill Hole a week or two ago.


Well-known member
I saw them a few weeks ago. I'd assumed they'd been left in place as a bolt extender over an edge type thing because the bolt is in an awkward place.


Well-known member
I wondered the same, but our de-rigger removed them; in any case, leaving non-stainless MRs in place perhaps isn't the best thing to do.


Well-known member
I wondered the same, but our de-rigger removed them; in any case, leaving non-stainless MRs in place perhaps isn't the best thing to do.

It is better if people were allowed to work out their own solution to such problems, rather than having other people's solutions imposed upon them.