• The Derbyshire Caver, No. 158

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Mean trick at swildons sump 1

Peter Burgess

New member
mrodoc said:
Now you know why I usually post information rather than comment :cautious:

Well, sometimes its nice to read what you occasionally post in the form of comment rather than just information....

mrodoc said:
Hughie said:
Just out of interest, from someone who is unable to get to Hidden Earth, do any of the lectures given ever get published in any shape or form?

I am hoping to get Goon's talk from the Churchill meeting sometime which was something of a classic. Perhaps Les should think about podcasting the sessions.

Peter Burgess has hit the nail on the head with his summing up of HE. I took my daughters for the first time and they thought it was a great weekend.  It's my annual chance to chat to people I don't see from one year to the next. I love caving for that reason you get far more continuity than in my other hobbies such as diving because only the diehards turn up for Hidden Earth. Most divers are in love with their computers and their kit as far as I can tell (I am not referring to cave divers who are a breed apart).

Fades muttering into distance.........


New member
Downer said:
Peter Burgess said:

This one



This one?

They all look the same to me.


Will J-Rat's stock of blue neoprene hoods ever be sold now?



Peter Burgess said:
j4nny said:
Can i come?  ;)Also a girly looking for female friendly cavers! My club do allot of digging trips only these days and i haven?t been caving much recently at all, would like to get back into it......ASAP. (Had some invites at Hidden Earth that i will be following up).

If you are serious, PM me, or visit www.wcms.org.uk and use the contact links.

I did, i went and can varify very nice people- Viv, give these guys a go if you are close enough. see write up Bedlams Bank, Merstham 3rd Oct. thanks again to WCMS.


VivB said:
...I was starting to get quite into the idea that there might be something to this caving lark.


...Turns out Bru knew about this trick in advance and didn't bother to mension it (despite talking about caving incessantly).

Well done VivB for posting that. I can imagine how gutted you were. I'm really angry, as many others are, on your behalf. PLEASE don't let it put you off caving.


New member
ahem...  FYI I had heard about the trick being pulled a week or so before on a friend of mine and was apalled when he told me.  I had no idea that someone i was with would actually do it to my lovely wife who has definately not let it put her off caving and good for her.  In fact she is now a totally mad for it caver.  Excellent!


oh and btw, yes the wcms are very nice people indeed in my experience, looking forward to doing more stuff with them (y)


Active member
Yes, when Viv first wrote in her very first post that Bru had known of this trick I was surprised - even though I have never met either of them. But now all has been explained, and it was that Bru had heard that this trick is sometimes played on people, not that he knew that it was going to be done on Viv. These two are so sweet together. It is lovely  :hug:


bru said:
ahem...  FYI...

Sorry Bru... I wasn't meaning my reply about you... I was talking about the entire original post (the trick), I had in fact read the rest of the thread and seen your previous comments. My fault for cutting out too much of the quote.


littlebear said:
bru said:
ahem...  FYI...

Sorry Bru... I wasn't meaning my reply about you... I was talking about the entire original post (the trick), I had in fact read the rest of the thread and seen your previous comments. My fault for cutting out too much of the quote.

Well, Viv wrote that when she was feeling very let down and not a little ratted. But she's back to caving, lots, and writes excellent trip reports. I feel the original "mean trick" has been done to death here - can we leave it now?



Yeah, yeah! ROCK N ROLL.
I'm thinking of calling MG and asking him to take me caving!  (If he'll talk to me after the (metaphoric) mud slinging.)  I should'na  got so pissed, and anyway, everyone i've spoke to who has had the rock trick done (spesh 1st sump dive, and there's a lot of girlies in that group, i've found out) are akcherly the most mad up cavers i've met.  So if reverse psych is the name of the game, it works!
Now you know - and if anyone 'strongly suggests' that you wear a neoprene hood thru a sump, be aware!
