Millau 2013


New member
Looks interesting.

I see they have an English translation on the website, albeit not a great one. Out of interest, what other languages than English is Hidden Earth advertised in?


Sounds great, is it like the vercors thing a few years back?
    I was thinking of going to the big congress in brno but i'm not sure how much caving there will be there apart from the wednesday trip which is a show cave. This looks like there is lots to get stuck into so it probably won't matter that I can't speak french.


Thanks Glen,
This looks like fun if it is anything like the Vercors Speleo conf of a few years back. That was well organised and the caving good. The Tarn Gorge area has a wealth of excellent caves with long river caves and SRT systems descending to 500m depth. The scoff of the region is good and the camp sites reasonably priced. I believe the motorway to get there is toll free south of Paris so that will sell it big time for the average cash strapped Brit caver!

cap n chris

Well-known member
ptpeaty said:
This looks like fun if it is anything like the Vercors Speleo conf of a few years back. That was well organised and the caving good.

Been hoping there would be a re-run of that event, as it was a corker. As PTpeaty says, if this event is anything like that one then it should be a winner. Mark your diary.


Active member
The "re-run" of the Vercors event will be in the UK in 2016, so (he says with some trepidation) it's up to us to make it even better than the Vercors event. The Millau event is a French-national event that has volunteered to host the annual European get-together. This compares with the 2016 one which is a special one-off European event held every 8 years.

Whether that actually means the Millau event will be any smaller than the Vercors one remains to be seen, though. It also coincides with the 50th Anniversary of the FFS, so may well be a big one.


Active member
So, who is planning to go to this?

When you planning on going? And how you getting there?

We have an estate car and are planning on driving out for a two week holiday :eek:)