mt olympus/astrakas plataue Greece


Active member
does anyone know of any work thats been done in either of these areas also does anyone have any greek caving contacts/know who i should be asking for permision to cave in this area.
cheers  (y)
ian peachey


Active member
Any reason the information couldnt be posted directly on here for anyone else who may be interested?


Well-known member
Could always try Jim Eyre, as this was the scene of several of his exploits...
Might cost you some beer ;)


Well-known member
maxb727 said:
Any reason the information couldnt be posted directly on here for anyone else who may be interested?
Because it involved personal friends' email addresses.

But on the whole, yes as far as i know governmental permission is required to just enter a cave in Greece, let alone try to discover new ones. And no it's not easy to gain permissions if you can't speak Greek (hence the personal contact details).

As Brains has pointed out, Jim Eyre describes well his exploits of trying to get permission to get down Provatina, up on the Astraka Plateau back in the 70's (i think!). It seems it wasn't easy then either.

Joel Corrigan

New member
Oi, young Pikey, you're not allowed to go caving in Greece as you've gotta save all your pennies for the winter trips to the Dachstein.....!!


Active member
thanks rob thats just what i was after :bow:
no wories joel im probably not going to be able to get this going till late next sumer at the earleist ill make the winter trips aswell  (y)