NAMHO Conference 2023


Well-known member
list of delegates on that trip to make lift sharing arrangements a little easier - perhaps though these days there are data concerns to consider.
Data protection would only require the option, on applying for a trip, to tick a box indicating that one's name could be shared with other people on that trip, or the whole conference.


Well-known member
I am back from a very very long underground time ! A huge thanks to all those who made this happen ! Also a huge thanks for everyone who attended ! I didn’t no anyone on any trip for 3 of the days and made lots of new mates !

All I can add to be “negative” for feedback . 1 of my trips the group size was too large .

Once the bar opened was easy to get a photo !


Well-known member
Thanks a lot Tom, Mike M pointed me to facebook, but I got "sign in or open an account. F them, I dont do FB, I am a consumer not the product.


Active member
Had a great time. Really appreciated the leaders who gave their time and enthusiasm for the mines they led.

Feedback: I didn't have a lot of time to read-up on the mines beforehand so relied on the descriptions given out. (The maps & direction on how to get there were very good.) I could have done with a little more info on the descriptions, wet / dry / wading in water / trip wholly underground. (I thought one was surface with us popping into some mine levels.)

Also for myself to read more before I go !!!!

Thank you everyone. :clap::clap::clap: