Pocket topo question?


New member

Please can someone tell me why this is happening?

When I export a .top file from pocket topo to a therion.txt file I end up with a file that has only 5B and just says "fix"

Usually all the data comes through but not this time and I can't work out why....



Have you tried checking that your .top file has something in it. Move it to a folder of its own and open it in Pocket Topo.


New member
Firstly, yes, check that the file isn't actually corrupt and, secondly, I recommend that you generate your Therion files using Andrew Atkinson's TopParser application. I'll check the link tomorrow morning & post it here.

Not all aspects of it have been finished yet, but it is far and away the best way of generating the files.


New member
DC, that's done the trick. What were we saying earlier about being older and wiser :)

Graham, even though I have now sorted it I would still be interested in the application you mentioned.


New member

It's at https://bitbucket.org/AndrewA/topparser

If the manual doesn't make sense, ask me, not him 'cos I wrote it.