• CNCC Meeting Saturday 26th October, 9.30am - Clapham Vilage Hall

    Lots on the agenda including Officer vacancies:

    In 2025, our Chair, Access Officer and Treasurer are all standing down. This meeting is an opportunity for interested people to make themselves known, ask questions, or just to spectate to see what the role might involve before putting your name forward.

    Click here for more info

Poland, Jura, Caves.


Active member
Great pics, thanks for posting! Do you know any local Polish clubs who might be open to leading visiting British cavers round on some of their favourite trips?


Great pics, thanks for posting! Do you know any local Polish clubs who might be open to leading visiting British cavers round on some of their favourite trips?
Yes, It could be people from my club or from some other caving clubs I know. Write pm if You want to visit us :D


Active member
In 1974, we had a trip to Poland. See Dave Gill's book.

Visited Czarna, Mietusia and, of course, Sniezna/Nad kotlinami. Excellent caves, wonderful people.



My pics are from Jura Krakowsko - Wieluńska caves. Much smaller than Tatra caves You was in. But also interesting and beautifull :D