Questions about caving from the general public


Well-known member
Pegasus said:
kay said:
I like to question people about why they say "Ooh, I could never do that".

I agree, Kay.

I was interviewed last year by Christine Grosart of Wet Wellies.  Here are a couple of my answers:

Q: Do you think there are any barriers to people who might want to have a go at caving? What are they and what can the caving community do to help?

I see the main barrier is people thinking they don?t want to have a go in the first place!  How many times have people said to you ?I get claustrophobic???  It?s such a fabulous sport, however time and again the image the main media portray is mud, tight squeezes etc ? this is a part of caving however so is Main Drain in Easegill for example ? wonderful. 

Unfortunately Main Drain isn't doing itself any favours by its name. I suspect many listeners immediately thought of what lies under the manhole cover in their garden ;-)


Well-known member
I have always thought it is why many people  regard miners as heroes. So many people dislike the idea of being in dark confined spaces they think it requires a special kind of  person to go underground.  But then, perhaps we are special  :bow: