Not sure I deserved that, what I do in my personal trips is none of your bees wax really. Secondly, if I don't do these trips how can you expect me to rescue you from them?
I would happily not solo it but no one I know will come with me like I said. The main difference is I will not be doing it on TV so no one will follow my example, I am not doing it to show off, I just want to see the bottom of the cave and learn it best I can. I happen to enjoy harder caves and I know my own limits, if I don't like something I can always turn back. Soloing is not for everyone and I must admit it makes me more nervous but it's no more dangerous provided you leave a good call out. In-fact with only 1 person I would wager its safer in some respects.
No one to dislodge rocks on you
Less people = less likely to have an accident (odds)
When I am soloing I am that little bit extra careful, and my risk threshold is a lot lower.
The main thing you loose is someone to go out and get help, so a longer wait, which is why I bring stuff with me to keep warm should that happen, which is why such a trip and carrying all the rope and my personal gear would be a bit of an epic, in that cave.
MODS: You may want to split this topic from Mark Wrights post as it's going off topic.