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    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

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sarawak was mentioned in another post so i thought i'd bring it up here. i'm off to sarawak in a few weeks on a gap year project and wanted to get advice about what i ought to go see.
i won't be taking any kit out with me (and the insurance i'm taking out doesn't cover pot-holing :( but which show caves in sarawak should not be missed?
i won't be taking any kit out with me (and the insurance i'm taking out doesn't cover pot-holing
Why? The problem being...????
Just take it, do it, grab it while you have the chance.. For fks sake don't live in the "must have insurance to breathe" world..... Unless you intend returning/have the money/resources to do so at a future date then don't live in the nanny world, get out there and do it!!!
You only live once and if you waste this life thinking you need insurance to live life to its full potential you will die boring!
Dunc said:
i won't be taking any kit out with me (and the insurance i'm taking out doesn't cover pot-holing
Why? The problem being...????
the main problem being i've only earned about 2/3 the money i need for this trip, the rest my dad is lending to me - any suggestion i was getting on the plane with kit but without insurance covering caving then he'd stop me going.
any suggestions about good caves to go and get grubby in without actually needing any kit would be very gratefully received.
Im with dunc on this one. Just dont tell your dad. Either that or arrange ahead and borrow some out there - reckon if you get in touch with someone out there beforehand - you could sort something out.

Try http://wildasia.net/borneo/dir_activities/dir_caving.html as a start
I haven't been caving in the tropics but I guess it's t-shirt, shorts, hat and lamp job rather than undersuit/o'suit - clearly everyone going on holiday needs a light, so how discreetly can you pack your hat? I've heard good tales of some guided trips into the big systems that sound like proper caving trips rather than typical showcaves.
People cave there wearing longjohns and long sleeved tops (but really thin material) `cos you sweat so much. Check out "Sarawak caving tours" on the internet (they must surely have some kit you can use). Insurance via Sportsguard will cost you (for 5 days cover) £71.70. I expect you can get it cheaper but, even so, compared with £44.30 for the same cover in Spain it's not bad. The "guided tours", apparently, are pretty mega even for "proper" cavers but the main thing will be whether you've adapted to the climate and the food and can be away from a toilet long enough to enjoy the scenery. I lost two stone last time I went to the tropics (wish I'd gone where you're going instead). As it may be the only time you're going to be out there you might as well GO FOR IT and get the memories while you can.
www.snowcard.co.uk. A quick guess as to your details - ie 5 days, caving as main activity, medical insurance only (what I use on expo) came out as £35. Oh, and they take about 2 days from ringing to getting your card. I have used them in the past - highly recommend.

Have fun!!
Brendan said:
Have fun!!
i certainly intend to, and as i'm there for 6 months i should be used to the climate and things by the time i get round to sorting out any caving.
thanks for all the advice, if anyone's been to sarawak and knows anything about particular caves that are worth visiting then i'd be very grateful to hear from you
6 months!!! And your not taking caving gear!!! :shock:

I've got a little advice... buy it out there!
Rob said:
I've got a little advice... buy it out there!
now there's an idea - with the cheap (relatively) flight i've got i don't have that much hold luggage allowance so clothes + essentials only, but on the way back i could simply dump clothes and bring back caving kit. still think i'll be avoiding anything vertical as i'm not going with anyone else who caves at all.
i'm beginning to think a forum about caving in the uk wasn't the best place to get info about malaysia caves, but thanks for all the pointers in the right direction people.
I heard that clearwater and deer caves were good but to be honest your going to sarawak all the cave are going to F**king amazing.