rrx said:
We are never asked for assistance, opinions and we have installed a vast majority of anchors across cornwall, if we were consulted then the BCA anchor, which we have asked Roger for and he has been unable to provide sadly so we can test it down here, has some major issues for which there are better solutions to(why try to re-engineer something that there are plenty of better solutions to, when we run our bolting day we will be testing bolts, anchors and allsorts and probably be doing a full write-up to be published on the CBC site
I'm sorry, I live hundreds of miles away and know little about what you do down there. But I get the impression that you lot are quite happy to plough your own furrow. I've had a good look at your CBC website and you appear to be a nice friendly bunch of cooperative anarchists.
There is a lot of leeway in how the BCA work and they are probably more laissee faire and cooperative than many people realise. You could contribute to and benefit from the BCA without getting involved in things you don't want to get involved in.
You could cooperate with the DCUC and the BCA it seems that you probably have things to contribute. I don't know how much you know about the BCA and anchors but it is rather complicated and there are reasons why Roger has been unable to supply you with anchors depending on when you asked him for them.
You leave me a quite confused about whether or not you want to be involved with the BCA anchor scheme. I am confused why you think you should be consulted by the BCA if you are not part of it. I don't understand how you can ask Roger to supply anchors if you are not part of the DCUC but maybe it just shows how generous the DCUC and the BCA are. I am also confused about who you are addressing when you say, "why try to re-engineer something that there are plenty of better solutions". If you think you have "better solutions" then you could come to the next BCA E&T meeting and contribute to the development of anchors.
Chons da, Simon.