Take care in Odin Mine.

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Active member
Oops messed up my last post.

You say you're insulted, angry and patronised but I'm afraid your ego wounds come from you alone.

You've made an argument from (weak) authority, followed by justifying your use of a unlikely hypothetical, before saying that I'm the one that needs to provide some evidence - interesting!

Come on then. Who sued Odin Mine or Chatsworth? And name the insurance company that folded so easily in the face of solid case law making a win so unlikely - it's important that the National Landowner Caving Forum Monitoring Team can see it so they can advise their members to avoid it in future.


Well-known member
You've made an argument from (weak) authority, followed by justifying your use of a unlikely hypothetical, before saying that I'm the one that needs to provide some evidence - interesting!

Come on then. Who sued Odin Mine or Chatsworth? And name the insurance company that folded so easily in the face of solid case law making a win so unlikely - it's important that the National Landowner Caving Forum Monitoring Team can see it so they can advise their members to avoid it in future.
No, you made the assertion that my post was just as likely to get caves closed as Winnatscaver's and gave no indication whatsover as to how that might be so. I've challenged you about evidencing that and all you can come up with in response is a straw-man about who sued Odin Mine or Chatsworth? You can't sue Odin Mine as it's not a corporate body and hasn't been for a long, long time, and where have I said anything whatsoever on this thread about Chatsworth being sued? Nowhere.


Moderator comment: OK - the point about taking care has reached its conclusion and I'm locking this thread.
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