The BCA ballot is out


Staff member
I received my ballot by email and voted to support one member one vote and the introduction of on-line voting.  That's got to be the best future for BCA.

Congratulation to those BCA volunteers who have pulled the ballot together.  I understand it has been quite a lot of hard work behind the scenes.  The voting system worked flawlessly for me - well done.

David Rose

Active member
I just voted. The process took about two minutes. Excellent system. I assume it was Gary Douthwaite who set it up - and he deserves kudos. Great job.
Indeed it is Badlad and thanks for voting!

The email ballots went out yesterday (to around 4000+ of our members for who we have email addresses). The remaining members will receive a ballot letter by post although you will still be able to use the Ballot ID to vote using the simple and intuitive online system which was built bespoke for th British Caving Association.

The postal letters should be arriving by the middle of the week, thus allowing a one-month voting window (closes 13th December 23:59).

I find myself in a tricky situation with this ballot, as of course with this being my own proposal, I would love to campaign in favour, but equally, as BCA Secetary I need to maintain a reasonable distance from doing so. All I would say is to please take the time to review the changes. In a nutshell they would see the voting system changed to one-member-one-vote (rather than the current two-house system), and introduction of online voting for AGM proposals that currently go to the two house system, enabling all members to easily participate.

For me, this marks the start of some very important changes to the way the BCA democratically interacts with our members, but I appreciate that they are complex and extensive changes and some people will have concerns; so please review them carefully and participate in the ballot to ensure that whatever the outcome, it reflects the wishes of as many cavers as possible.

Matt Ewles
Secretary, BCA


I have voted and would like to thank Matt and Gary for what appears to be an excellent online voting system.

I found it very quick and easy to use :) So find your email and vote....... it's considerably easier than the other one we should all be doing in December!

Bob Mehew

Well-known member
I echo the point on ease of voting but would issue a warning that my email provider had decided the alert was junk email.  So if you have not got an email by now, check your junk mail box.


Who do I contact if I have not received it? I had the previous test emails but don't seem to have the ballot!


not_a_climber said:
Will clubs receive a ballot in the post also?

Clubs will not receive ballots for their members (by email or by post); their members will be contacted individually using the contact details that the BCA has for them. Group representatives will receive their ballot by email, unless the BCA doesn't have an email for them, they specifically asked to receive them by post, or the test email bounced, in which case they'll receive them by post.

Ian P

Staff member
Excellent system.

The hardest bit is proving I?m ?not a robot?. What defines a ?hill? when asked to tick the pictures with a hill  :confused:

Well done and thanks to all involved


Active member
I have had a couple of requests from people to explain what the vote is about... Having been out of the loop for the last month and a bit, is there a thread I can direct people to that debates the merits of the proposed constitutional changes (I tried searching for them but wasn't able to find anything!)

Very happy with the system though! Brilliantly easy to use.


Active member
without checking I would say that if you went to the draft bca agm minutes from june 2019 you will find the proposal in there, maybe. minutes can be found on the bca website


nearlywhite said:
I have had a couple of requests from people to explain what the vote is about... Having been out of the loop for the last month and a bit, is there a thread I can direct people to that debates the merits of the proposed constitutional changes (I tried searching for them but wasn't able to find anything!)

Very happy with the system though! Brilliantly easy to use.

A simple way to explain it (in my mind at least), would be to ask yourself if the new online voting system is easier than driving half way across the country to the AGM to vote. If it is, then vote "yes"  as that's how future voting will work if the motion is passed.

To answer your question though, I think this topic probably covers it pretty well:

cap n chris

Well-known member
nearlywhite said:
I have had a couple of requests from people to explain what the vote is about... Having been out of the loop for the last month and a bit, is there a thread I can direct people to that debates the merits of the proposed constitutional changes (I tried searching for them but wasn't able to find anything!)

Very happy with the system though! Brilliantly easy to use.

Another way of explaining it is to ask your enquirers whether they think they would prefer to have a voluntary representative putting forward their views on their behalf (assuming they actually do) or whether instead your enquirers would prefer to put forward their own views themselves. Two-way connection with its membership directly is surely an excellent thing.


New member
aricooperdavis said:
not_a_climber said:
Will clubs receive a ballot in the post also?

Clubs will not receive ballots for their members (by email or by post); their members will be contacted individually using the contact details that the BCA has for them. Group representatives will receive their ballot by email, unless the BCA doesn't have an email for them, they specifically asked to receive them by post, or the test email bounced, in which case they'll receive them by post.

Hi Ari, I was meaning how does a club rep receive their vote. Looks like we need to get someone registered. Do we do this through BCA online as well, or is it too late npw? Sorry, my club haven't seen any info about how to go about it.

PS I used my individual vote yesterday and was chuffed by how simple and easy it was, and enjoyed how similar the new layout of the BCA website is to the website!
Received the email  on Friday evening during a club committee meeting. It only took moments to vote for the proposal. Far easier than dealing with paper. Well done, Gary and all involved.


not_a_climber said:
Hi Ari, I was meaning how does a club rep receive their vote. Looks like we need to get someone registered.
Hi not_a_climber. No need to get anyone specifically registered - if your club is a BCA member club (i.e. on this list) then a ballot will go to the email or postal address that was given for the club on the membership form! If you have any more questions you could get in touch with the Membership Administrator who should be able to give you some specifics about your particular club :)

Pete K

Well-known member
I received an email for myself as an individual member and a separate email addressed to the club (with a different ID code) because I am the registered contact. The person who sends in your membership info each year to BCA will have got the voting email I imagine.


Active member
club vote would go to probably secretary or membership secretary. I would say then depending on the size of the club is if they ask their members or the committee make a decision on behalf of there members