The Mine Shafts Project. Hydrology.

The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
Photo stitch of the pole traverse, divers line high and dry and the 20m platform.

The stitch programme allows you to match two or three images together. The images must be exactly lined up in similiar light. The bottom ladder has been distorted by the programme.


The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
The Alcove with the pole traverse showing the birite ( sic ) lode.

Brian catches up with his knitting.

The photographer checks his images.

At high water. Time for a wash.

The above four by mobile phone.

The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
The Elephant sits silently brooding in the roof of The Alcove. Will it go rogue ?

Well yes. Its big and grey and we try not to notice it. ( The Elephant in the room ).


The Old Ruminator

Well-known member

Adit ventilation shaft repair completed.

The spoil disposal pipe appears at The Alcove.

That will shoot spoil from the dig straight down the shaft. ( I had been thinking again ).

Lucky it fitted.


The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
2k views so far so thanks for the interest. We wont beat Reservoir Holes 100,000 plus views on here which might well be any forum record. Comment if you like but please nothing about the location. We still have a little way to go as we dig on further south. ( its actually south east ). Also the disastrous end of the adit project tempered by a little serendipity. Off up there again tomorrow but concerned about todays rain. Half the active diggers are in Ireland. I shall jump on the relocated Elephant now safely at rest. When I catch up I hope to contine updates though the Summer until what may be a final conclusion next year.

The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
Mike and I will work on the platform at Shaft Two. This my design. Its awkward as the ladder in the tube ends in a void. The rock walls are poor so not good for pins. There are notches below the cap where the original supports for the work when done 200 years ago. I shall use those.

Setting in the bar that ultimately carries everything.

Poor Mike. Getting the top pole across and into the notches was a nightmare. The ladder was right in the way.
