The Mine Shafts Project. Hydrology.

The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
Uncle Brian has a lunch break. We were sat on the completed platform having lunch and a yarn yesterday. So peaceful away from the world and its troubles.

At around 25m we had the water level a few weeks ago it now covers the horizontal ladder. Traverse pole over to the Alcove and the natural cave section. 20m platform pole support in view.


The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
I suppose I ought to be more philosophical about things. What you see here is the end result of the process and whether anyone appreciates it does not really matter. I love the digging , simple photography and the challenges they present. I will have three digging trips in six days this week. Ulimately it does not matter if nothing much is even found. As I said its the process that counts.

The Hole In The Wall. Planning photo. Helps me work out the next stages at home. Part of the " Process ".


The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
Well I would not want to be short of digs over winter so last Sunday we went back to the big choke in The Half Way Up / Quarter Way Up system in Fairy Cave Quarry. Covid shut us down there so a re start is likely.

We enlarged the connecting squeeze but dont recommend it.

I did not take the camera yesterday. Barely got the kit ready after Sunday. Might be something after Friday.

The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
The Friday Nighters were out in the dark woods last night. I should say spooky woods but for some reason I like being out in the dark. I do wonder if I am odd. We had an overnight orienteering competion years ago. ( Moonraker ). Sixty teams of all sorts. Our team of four won it two years running.I guess that I quite like the dark.
Well him and me were down on the 16m platform working at The Hole In The Wall. He did the work while I mucked about trying to get artistic shots with the torch and selfie stick. Of course you dont know what the camera sees so you have to take loads. Not easy on a narrow platform half way down a mineshaft. Anyway to save work here is my usual collage concotion via Flickr/screenshot.


The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
Goes back to what I said when I was in a miserable mood. Where are all the cave photographers ? There's hundreds more caving photos on Facebook than here. Its really sad. You have a great platform here and its really neglected now. Sadly its now mostly my old tosh so serves you right !

The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
Back again. Just ordered number nine A3 Photobook for this project. Average 150 images per book so thats well over 1,000 photos just for this. %50 discount until Monday. ( Always wait for the discount code ) . For me the hardback albums are the best archive for my stuff though it might end up in a skip when I go. Now with 25,500 images on Flickr . Say 20,000 cave images I guess that makes me rather prolific. Can anyone top that over 60 years ? Here are a few page scans.


The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
I am having a week off from caving after four trips in ten days. Me and old B.J. today. Easier to copy in the group email.

Well I had a bad night having been attacked by bank robbers and throwing myself out of bed again. Felt like a dead dog come morning but Brian sounded perky over the phone. We both drove up in persistant rain ( 90mm so far this month ). Brown water streaming out of the fields ( thats what happens after you crop maize ).We sat in the truck drinking coffee and discussing my " issues ". Seems I have reverse dementia when you remember and imagine everything.The horse woman trudged by in the downpour without a friendly waive. Eventually it stopped so we hurried up to the shaft. Another giant beech has come down opening up the view to the sea. Sadly that leaves an even bigger one exposed as it has ripped open a part of it.
Down on the platform we found that Fridays work had smashed up the boulder. Its very hard but breaks up well .Brian dug and bashed using my new crowbar as the previous one got lost in FCQ. New one on a long tape now. Brian had lunch while I checked the water. Forgot the tape measure but its up to the fixed ladder now with the beam floating. So estimated at one metre. I had a go and poked a metre long probe in the top space at arm length without touching the end. So 1.5m plus going in horizontally following the natural roof. Mud and rocks to the right adjacent to the lode. Big boulder still in the way . Tried a couple of Sn's which ripped out a bit more. It then got all smokey so time to leave. Needs a Mike visit so will wait for him to advise.( adwise ).
So having thought that it would be all over by lunch time we were happy to see it goes on and we had a full days digging. Well its all we have here until next Summer if our licence renews. Brian wont be available until next year now. He is getting his peepers done. All that looking for icebergs whilst at sea I guess. Hopefully Mike will support me here over winter. Its a really easy site to dig when its been " sorted ". As we wont see Brian I am hoping that we can get together before Christmas for a social do.In any case we wish him well. He gets the first eye done tomorrow.
Next Tuesday I shall go up to Dropped Box Hole. Maybe a few Peters are free.

The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
Not actually bonkers more neurodivergent really. Bloody nightmares.

As ever some lovely photos as no other b. seems to post any now.

So sad to see the giants down. Thats four in three years now. BJ says its honey fungus.

The one next to him will go soon.

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The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
Whilst its " our mine " its a peaceful place to be. Me an old BJ sit on our platform whilst he yarns about his merchant navy days. Maybe he has a fag or two. The world is distant and forgotten. Here all is quiet and calm. I almost resent going back up. As you know devoid of all those surface smells that we take for granted they are retrieved again adding freshness to the surroundings. The hum of the wind though the old giants. Sadly like all things their days are finite as are ours.