The Museum of Curiosity


Whilst driving home yesterday listening to radio 4?s ?the museum of Curiosity? comedy half hour I was surprised to hear reference to Andy Eavis, and caving exploration discussed, if not briefly.

Where have you seen or heard things about caving that are completely out of context or where you would not expect to find anything to do with going underground?


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j4nny said:
Whilst driving home yesterday listening to radio 4?s ?the museum of Curiosity? comedy half hour I was surprised to hear reference to Andy Eavis, and caving exploration discussed, if not briefly.

I heard it on the repeat today. For those that didn't click on the link, the explorer Robin Hanbury Tennison was asked which explorers he admired, and began his response saying he admired people toady who were pushing the boundaries and went on to mention boundaries underground and Andy Eavis.  (y)