• BCA Finances

    An informative discussion

    Recently there was long thread about the BCA. I can now post possible answers to some of the questions, such as "Why is the BCA still raising membership prices when there is a significant amount still left in its coffers?"

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transporting drills underground


What do people use when transporting their drill underground? I'm wanting to take mine somewhere which involves taking it through a few ducks and the like. I want to make sure it is properly waterproof in transit. Also could do with wrapping it in something to cushion it a bit. Are those drysacks with the roll tops any good?


think you'll find that most people favour an Ortleib (roll top) bag, with some karimat for padding. then placed in a tackle sack.

I find ortleibs a bit susseptable to 'rub points' therefore I use some karimat on the inside, ortleib, then karimat on the outside. All in a tackle sack.

That was before I discovered I can fit the whole kit and cabodle in a Darren drum. been working a treat in Bagshawe for over 5 years.


Active member
In our club the transport is done in several ways but the drill is always packed in in tailor made pack of neopreen.
This is enough for "dry" caves.

For wet caves we use latex sacks but be carefull these are very fragile and need a lot of attention. Whe use use this when the passages are small.

When the passages are big enough everything is transported in a waterproof container.

an example : http://www.norah.nl/inhoud++50+liter/kunststof+vaten+vanaf+6+liter/kunststof+vaten/812/227/116/

But we prefer the ones with a clip sealing (tensioner? don't known the right word in english)


Moors Miner

New member
We have a couple of methods.  Usually we just put the drill in a dry bag then i put the dry bag in a tackle sack.  We also have a modified amo box that we have welded an extension so that drill is easily accomodated.  This is used for any trups where it is likely to get knocked about.  We have even taken this one through sumps.