We have a Winner!!


Staff member

:clap: Congratulations to Joel, Tania and The Dachstein Team  :clap:

Who have won the 300M Spanset Gold!!


The decision:

Dear all

looks like caving is in for a great future with the training ranging from formal sessions to shared experiences with valuable lessons.

My own caving was shaped with this mix - Every now and then a formal session enabled me to see where I was struggling, but the lessons learnt on adventures with others provided both valuable experience and probably more important strong friendships that have lasted and been the foundation of many expeditions.

The challenge of this comp has been to rule people out, but here are a few that caught my eye;
I cannot decide if Alastairs apprenticeship constitutes training or human rights abuse, but he will certainly come out stronger.
The Badgers are emerging as a great new style of club and I look forward to hearing more of them in the future.
Mrs B has my sympathy as well as a challenge, but why educate when the adventures result in so much humour?
As my daughter is currently taking her first steps underground I liked the tales of the young and with great photo's to keep their memories for the future.
The film quality by the Dudley is brilliant and tempted me, so please do more they are really entertaining.
I was also tempted by Badlads entry, not based on content, but because Pegasus seems quite happy with the bag under the kitchen table! 

So on to the top 3
Ian's perseverance and shared experiences needs a special mention, training is just as much about chance meetings and clubs provide a great opportunity for that.
Rigs-F-all showed me how the more recent trend for weekend meets with guest trainers / speakers both educates, motivates and bonds a team ready for an upcoming challenge. Keep it up.

The winner and a really deserving one is Joel, Tania and the Dachstein team.
The reasons for me were clear;
They have been doing training like this for a long time and hopefully will continue to do so with some extra rope
It is open to all as are their expeditions.
The training costs are really low as are the costs to join their trips and that makes it more accessible to talented cavers no matter how rich or poor.
The rope will definitely get used in anger and we hope it can be part of the trip that makes the connection - good luck.

So thanks to all who entered and as for the Dachstein, well it looks like there will be some Gold in them there hills.


The Thank you by Joel Corrigan:

I would like to thank the members of the Academy, the judges.......!

That's brilliant news & we (the exped members) are very grateful to Spanset, UK Caving, Pete Ward, another nameless Dachstein veteran who kicked me up the ass as I wasn't even aware the competition was happening, Tania (for being motivated enough to write the original blog), all those girls and boys who have assisted on the training events over the last two centuries (seems like it's been that long, anyway), attendees past & present, and all those who have been quietly supporting and rooting for the project since time began.  From a personal perspective I can't decide if I owe Snablet a lifetime supply of beer or a smack in the mouth for introducing me to the finest location for raw & undiluted escapism in the world!!  It really is like a hardcore version of Narnia & it's dominated many people's lives for a very long time.....  And those of you who don't understand what all the fuss is about should come with us for what is potentially the last rodeo for some of the old cowboys!!

Many thanks & now all that is missing is my free copy of Duncan's book!!!!


Caver Keith

Well-known member
Many congratulations to Joel, Tania and the Dachstein team - a worthy winning team.
The team at Dudley are over the moon with our honourable mention which is more than we could have hoped for. Thanks, your comment is appreciated.


Well-known member
Not sure it's human rights abuse in this case but certainly today was a bit silly.
packing digging buckets with decayed sheep bones, mud, rocks and other oddments like old morrisons bags and old walkers crisp packets. The snails, slugs and leeches living amounst the rotted carcus made for an interesting handful! Hopefully we will have some news soon :)

Well done joel, i bought some new carabiners on saturday so i could make my kit more like the setup described by him. Detatchable safety link and also handjammer attached with a screwgate rather than a maillion. Still not giving up on the rack just yet though, though it is also detatchable now as well (rather than a rusted shut maillion. :s
Well deserved winner.


Active member
Oh well, I did persevere but not to be, well played winners, well played  :clap:
Thanks to all involved with the competition.


Active member
:bow: :bow: :D :D :beer: :beer: :clap: :clap: Well done Joel - et - al., Deserving winners  :clap: :clap: (y) (y)

Also well done to the UKC team & Spanset for giving us the opportunity to expose well hidden experiences  (y) --- all must be revealed !!---- (y)