• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

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West Twin Brook Adit

  • Thread starter Thread starter andymorgan
  • Start date Start date


Does anybody know if there is access to the adit in the West Twin Brook. I had a look in through the gate and it looked quite interesting.
CSCC C&A - have been in touch with Bristol Water about regaining access to this adit for cavers etc. and have received a good response so far - awaiting final agreement from landowner/trustees.

(Been working on this on and off for over nine months so a couple more shouldn't hurt).
So what's through the big door? Is it "just" an adit or are there interesting pokey-around bits? How long is it? Etc??
As you enter, there are a series of grooves in the floor/collecting tanks (not very deep) where presumably grit/sediment was supposed to settle (although I'm totally guessing). The adit is completely horizontal and level and just goes and goes and goes into the hillside; if you're into geology you can see the sequencing of the lower limestone shale into the old red sandstone and there are a few dark spaces here and there where voids appear in the roof, stempled for safety but I wouldn't trust them taking any weight so are probably best left well alone!

The muddy walk continues until you see in the distance two piercing bright eyes unblinkingly staring back at you reflecting your light. This is the moment when you either think (a) it's a scary big panther hiding and I don't want to corner it `cos it'll rip me leg off or... (b) it's some cats eyes knicked off the highway and put there to scare people off.

The answer is really (b) but at the time we didn't know that so opted for (a) and quietly turned round and left.

If you've been to Sandford Levy it's nothing like that but does have a similar design (if that's the right word!).

I think it goes 300+ metres or thereabouts. I expect someone has the precise details from an early edition of Mendip Underground or other reference book.
Well done CSCC access officer!

I hope my post doesn't jeopardise any access agreement.
Why worry, Andy? If future access arrangements were so fragile they were jeopardised by someone asking an innocent question here, then the arrangement negotiated wouldn't have lasted anyway. I often wondered what was in there too. Perhaps I might get a legitimate chance to find out one day.
Shall update when news is forthcoming. On a general note, however, it is perhaps worth pointing out that geological time is relevant not only to caves when they are being formed.
I expect someone has the precise details from an early edition of Mendip Underground or other reference book.

Mendip: the complete caves and a view of the hills
Barrington and Stanton 1976

Central Mendip
grid ref 47555820
Also known as Burrington Adit, Waterworks Tunnel
Altitude 520ft Length 980ft Vertical Range 15ft
Burrington Combe, beside stream in West Twin Brook valley, 250 yards from road. Long level tunnel, driven 1941-44 by Axbridge Rural District Council to tap the supposedly vast water resources of the Old Red Sandstone under Blackdown. The venture failed because the local sand-stone was much less permeable than predicted. The first 620ft of the adit are in Lower Limestone Shales, the remainder in Sandstone. There is small-bore labyrinthine cave development in limestone beds in the middle, and at the base, of the Shales. In 1958-62 mean daily flow was 45000 gallons, with a minimum of only 660 gallons. The source was abandoned when the pipes were destroyed in the 1968 floods. Ref: UBSS Proceedings 10(1)pp24-25.
Does anyone want to visit this on the TBA 2006
(you wont see the topic unless you have a login)

I have posted an event on c**tplaces and also invite anyone here being a CSCC access thingy. Small group, take some photos, hunt the cat! be nice day :D

CANCELLED - PM me as a new date is being arranged
Note that the voids Chris mentioned are not big enough to get into, so don't get excited.

And if you're over 5' 10" and over fifty it'll give you a bad back!
Well done CSCC, is it on the CSCC key? I may have a look this weekend, as I am back in England...
It's on a combination lock; PM for code. Please do not publish the combination number, thanks! Also, try and avoid dropping the nice shiny new lock in the filthy stinking viscous mud at the entrance.
andymorgan said:
Well done CSCC, is it on the CSCC key? I may have a look this weekend, as I am back in England...
If you still plan to visit this location do you want to meet up with myself and I think atleast one other this weekend (25 or 26th) I have decided not to go on the 4th march. Anyone else?
If you're going to WTBA you should also at least visit Goathchurch Cavern at the same time since WTBA isn't really enough on its own to justify the effort/time/travel.
cap 'n chris said:
If you're going to WTBA you should also at least visit Goathchurch Cavern at the same time since WTBA isn't really enough on its own to justify the effort/time/travel.

......add on Sidcot Swallet and that will only leave you with several hours to kill before lunch!!!
Yeah, I havent really spent much time in mendips. Never visited these places I heard of over and over again.

Are they open to evil dooers like me?

Looks like Saterday 25th is going to be Mendip Day if anyone here wants to meet with me and so far joker001 from DP post here please or PM.
Yep, they're open - no restrictions, no insurance needed. Just don't go down the Lobster Pot otherwise you'll have trouble.....