• Canal Cave - Nidderdale

    Some interesting exploration techniques.

    'The next thing was to purchase a generator and pump. The plan being to test pumping out the flooded bedding in Lofthouse pot and fill HUTWP. The latter in a vain hope of creating water pressure to open up the choked bedding'.

    Click here for some excellent before and after shots

What is going on with the board?


Ok, here we go....

The fuckwit "hacker" struck again this time causing more damage than before.

In order to combat this, I took the forums down and have upgraded to the latest version of the forum software.

I'm going to leave this in place for a few days to see if dickface succeeds in breaking in again.

If all is well, then I will work on linking the gallery/rss parts of the site back in.

Sorry about all this folks :roll:


:LOL: As a result of the UKB being down I ended up registering on here to see what had happened. See you on the light side Bubba


I think I will leave it for a few days before posting any new topics just to be on the safe side.... unless Bubba thinks everything is ok now?
I can't seem to see peoples avatatars or smilies on this new board, is this just because they aren't loaded up yet, or there are some problems with the settings on my computer? The reason why I think the second one is most likely is because I can't see the pictures sometimes on Darkplaces forum.

cucc Paul

I can't see them but its obviously taken alot of work to get the web forum hacker proof and up and running so im not complaining

Keep up the good work :D


Sorry didn't mean to make it sound like a complaint :oops: I thought I may just be having my own personal computer errors!


Active member
Good one Bubba, a sterling effort for getting the board running again, it just goes to prove that there are some very sad lonely people out there
like cavers ............... no i mean Hackers (it's been a long day).



The gallery is now working and integrated with the forum logins again:



andymorgan said:
I think I will leave it for a few days before posting any new topics just to be on the safe side.... unless Bubba thinks everything is ok now?
I can't seem to see peoples avatatars or smilies on this new board, is this just because they aren't loaded up yet, or there are some problems with the settings on my computer? The reason why I think the second one is most likely is because I can't see the pictures sometimes on Darkplaces forum.

It should be ok to post again now - I'll take a backup today as a precaution.

Avatars have been lost, and only the basic set of smilies will be working again. I'll probably re-install the most popular ones again.


andymorgan said:
I can't see the pictures sometimes on Darkplaces forum.
With c**tplaces its more likly to be a bandwidth problem. Or an option in your profile, which at the click of a rodent blocks downloading of avatars and signatures to speed loading.


Sorry 'bout the delay in linking the forum back to the gallery, etc and the awful phpbb logo.....will try to sort this w/e.


Darkplaces pointed me at this vulnerability and I agree that this is probably how they got in:


Versions of phpBB > 2.0.12 are patched so if you're running the latest version of nuke then you'll probably be fine...if you're not, upgrade now before you're forced to :shock: