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Surveying course 28th-29th March 2015


Active member
Footleg has very kindly offered to set aside a weekend for teaching Therion, use of Disto X and cave surveying techniques.

Dates are 28th and 29th March 2015.

It will be based in the Mendips and I will look into a venue for teaching (probably the long room in the Hunters). Cost will be circa ?20 a head with 12 people and will only run if there is sufficient interest.
Please put your name down if you plan on attending (you say, you pay basis....)
This is an opportunity not to be missed!

1. Christine Grosart
2. Carmen Smith


Active member
Of course  :)

Ive just asked Paul for a rough format for the weekend.
I'm asking for ?10 deposit to secure a spot and to make sure the trainer(s) are not out of pocket once hey have come down for the weekend.
Please can anyone who is coming PM me for payment details.

The list so far:
1. Christine
2. Carmen
3. Damon
4. Jonathan
5. Henry
6. Alan


Active member
Hi, just had notification of the format for the course, which you may find helpful:

Course will be two days. Saturday we cover the basics of the software and what it can do, get underground for some practical training and to gather some data and then get it loaded into the software. Sunday we learn how to draw up in Therion in detail.


Active member
Grr..would be helpful if I could update my OP but as I can't, sorry for the further updated posts....
So far...

1. Christine ?10 paid
2. Carmen ?10 paid
3. Damon
4. Jonathan ?10 paid
5. Henry
6. Alan ?10 paid
7. Jon D Casto ?10 paid
8. Amy (Sat only)
9. Richard N (Spike) (Sat only)
10. Big Stu
11. Jed W


Active member
1. Christine ?10 paid
2. Carmen ?10 paid
3. Damon
4. Jonathan ?10 paid
5. Henry ?10 paid
6. Alan ?10 paid
7. Jon D Casto ?10 paid
8. Amy (Sat only)
9. Richard N (Spike) (Sat only)
10. Big Stu
11. Jed W
12. Dave G

Only 2 places left guys....


Active member
1. Christine ?10 paid
2. Carmen ?10 paid
3. Damon
4. Jonathan ?10 paid
5. Henry ?10 paid
6. Alan ?10 paid
7. Jon D Casto ?10 paid
8. Amy (Sat only) ?10 paid
9. Richard N (Spike) (Sat only) ?10 paid
10. Big Stu
11. Jed W
12. Dave G ?10 paid


Active member
The long function room in the Hunters Lodge Inn, Priddy, has been booked for the weekend for the course and can act as a 'base'.
Course is almost full. Just waiting on payments, so to secure your place please send ?10 via paypal to my email which you can PM me for.

1. Christine ?10 paid
2. Carmen ?10 paid
3. Damon
4. Jonathan ?10 paid
5. Henry ?10 paid
6. Alan ?10 paid
7. Jon D Casto ?10 paid
8. Amy (Sat only) ?10 paid
9. Richard N (Spike) (Sat only) ?10 paid
10. Big Stu
11. Jed W
12. Dave G ?10 paid
13. Rupert Massey


New member
I did this course a few years ago and it was awesome.

I've forgotton more than i've remembered though and would love to do it again but i'll be working offshore on the proposed dates.

Would there be an option to produce some video and or training notes.

I'd be happy to contribute actual beer tokens for some training material i could refer back to.

(I have a much under-used DistoX)



Active member
I've had lots of requests to run one at a future date (like you I tend to benefit from learning things twice...) so never fear. I expect I'll be asked to organise another some time in the summer perhaps.
We'll have a photographer for sure but can't promise notes - my 'notes' look like a spider has walked in ink and then had an epileptic fit on the page......

That said, I will try and take something down for my own learning and will do some sort of course summary/report on here afterwards.


Blatent plug, if anyone is thinking of getting some *Indestructible notebooks of me for the course get your orders in early as I have a busy middle of the month coming up.

* About as tough as you can get...


timwatts said:
I did this course a few years ago and it was awesome.

I've forgotton more than i've remembered though and would love to do it again but i'll be working offshore on the proposed dates.

Would there be an option to produce some video and or training notes.

I'd be happy to contribute actual beer tokens for some training material i could refer back to.

(I have a much under-used DistoX)

Have a look at Therion and DistoX Training Course Guide on the Cave Surveying Group website http://cp.cavesurveying.org.uk/index.php/articles/3-therion-tutorial


Although excellent, this guide is now getting a bit dated in places, however, still a very good introduction to the principles, and as far as I can tell everything is still valid. Footleg wrote it when he came on the paperless surveying course back in 2011. Since then things like context menus have been introduced, plus both of us have learnt more and streamlined use of Therion.


Active member
1. Christine ?10 paid
2. Carmen ?10 paid
3. Damon
4. Jonathan ?10 paid
5. Henry ?10 paid
6. Alan ?10 paid
7. Jon D Casto ?10 paid
8. Amy (Sat only) ?10 paid
9. Richard N (Spike) (Sat only) ?10 paid
10. Big Stu
11. Jed W
12. Dave G ?10 paid
13. Rupert Massey
14. Sarah Payne
15. Mark Vaughan

The course is full now folks. I'll offer up spare spaces if the remaining deposits don't come in or if anyone drops out.
If any of the above can no longer make it, please let us know so that we can re-advertise your space.

Format for the weekend: (from Footleg)
We will do a classroom sesson on the Saturday morning before going caving straight after lunch. That way we get time to put the data into the computers before dinner on the Saturday. So meeting time and place on the Saturday would be the hunters for a 9am start. Go down Swildons after lunch on the Saturday. Sunday we would be at the Hunters all day (suggest a 9:30am start on the Sunday unless everyone is really keen to get the most out of Sunday as possible).


Active member
1. Christine ?10 paid
2. Carmen ?10 paid
3. Damon
4. Jonathan ?10 paid
5. Henry ?10 paid
6. Alan ?10 paid
7. Jon D Casto ?10 paid
8. Amy (Sat only) ?10 paid
9. Richard N (Spike) (Sat only) ?10 paid
10. Big Stu ?20 paid in full
11. Jed W ?20 paid in full
12. Dave G ?10 paid
13. Rupert Massey
14. Sarah Payne ?20 paid in full
15. Mark Vaughan ?20 paid in full

Just waiting for the last ones to pay their deposits. Can we get this sorted asap please - I'll offer up spaces again if deposits don't come in this week.


Active member
Final count, paid and course now full.
1. Christine ?10 paid
2. Carmen ?10 paid
3. Jonathan ?10 paid
4. Henry ?10 paid
5. Alan ?10 paid
6. Jon D Casto ?10 paid
7. Amy (Sat only) ?10 paid
8. Richard N (Spike) (Sat only) ?10 paid
9. Big Stu ?20 paid in full
10. Jed W ?20 paid in full
11. Dave G ?10 paid
12. Rupert Massey ?20 paid in full
13. Sarah Payne ?20 paid in full
14. Mark Vaughan ?20 paid in full


New member
Are we expected to bring DistoXs and PDAs?

This could be a problem as mine are imaginary...  :cautious:


Active member
I'll likely buy a Disto X a few days before (only ever borrowed somebody else's) so I'm happy to be guinea pig in terms of how to add software and do stuff with circuit boards. I understand there is an easier way but it costs ?600 upfront...