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Northern Caves The Three Counties System and the North-West


Active member
The new revised and updated
Northern Caves The Three Counties System and the North-West
has gone to press!!


A book launch is in the planning stages and will be confirmed soon.

The book is 472 pages and covers:

Scales Moor      East Kingsdale
Kingsdale Head      West Kingsdale
Marble Steps      Leck Fell
Ease Gill      Barbondale
Dentdale, this chapter had become much larger and so there is a new chapter,
Great Knoutberry Hill and Garsdale
Wild Boar Fell      Mallerstang
Brough      Vale of Eden and Caldbeck
Bowland      Morecambe Bay
and other areas.

We have visited or attempted to locate every entrance and the photos and gps info will be available on the website soon.
The book contains all the information but not the photos of the entrances. There are around twice the number of surveys that were included previously. But there are full colour maps and photos as well. SRT information is provided in a useful way.

Here is an image of a double page spread:


Book will be available direct from us. Soon you'll be able to pay through the website or send us a cheque. You'll be able to pre-order for collection at the book launch or Hidden Earth, hopefully. ?30 for the book ?4.50 p&p.

Stockist will be:
Starless river
Caving Supplies
Moore Books
& Wildplaces

If other independent stores selling caving gear wish to stock it please get in touch. 

An enormous thank you to all those who have helped in so many ways is due to so many people so thank you all, to everyone who has contributed in every way.

Sam Allshorn
Looks really good. Is this a continuation from the other 2 versions of Northern Caves ? In which case it'll be Volume 1 of 3? Really looking forward to getting my hands on a copy.

A damn fine effort lads; a vast amount of invaluable information for less than some folk spend on a night in the pub. I have a pretty good idea of just how much work you and the rest of the contributors have put in. Thank you!
Is this a continuation from the other 2 versions of Northern Caves ? In which case it'll be Volume 1 of 3?

I'm also confused about this.

I'm assuming it is NOT associated with "Caves and Karst of the Yorkshire Dales" where Vol 1 was published a while ago and Vol 2 is due, according to this page, http://bcra.org.uk/pub/dales/index.html
During the period from 2014-2017, when Volume 2 was being compiled, chapters were placed online as they were completed. Now, in August 2017, these files have been taken down for revision in preparation for publication of the printed book in October 2017.

This book appears to overlap some of the Chapters in Vol 2?

Look forward to reading it anyway.
Book is Northern Caves The Three Counties System and the North-West. (Previously vol 3, 1994)
Others in series will be:
Northern Caves The Three Peaks Area (previously Vol 2, 1991?)
And Northern Caves Wharfdale and the North-East (previously vol 1, 1988)
Northern Caves provides descriptions of the caves rather than the more scientific nature of the BCRA vols edited by Tony Waltham and others. 
Good news excellent work
A good book for the non caver as well to enjoy the dales and "see" what's really there !!
Sad sometimes how little some cavers/noncavers know !! :coffee:enjoy the book I will!! and be enlightened :)
Can't wait to see it. I reckon it may well stimulate a lot of interest in areas such as Dentdale and Barbondale, although from talking to Badlad, I realise there are still many years worth of discoveries still to be made on Leck Fell!
Should be very useful, will probbably I look forward to reading about and then visiting caves in my own neck of the woods I likely never knew existed. I will pick one up at Inglesport next weekend if there are any left. Is it possible to reserve a copy?
Excellent news! a magnificent effort.

Please can you tell me the URL for the web-site which will have online ordering (since i'm unlikely to be making it to HE  :( )?


Northern Caves website

A huge and fantastic resource. There are photographs of the all the cave entrances within the geographical area covered by Northern Caves The Three Counties System and the North-West. There is also a list of references to all the written material that has been found relating to these caves. 

Book Launch 23rd September
At Inglesport (Ingleton) 9am-3pm then moving to the Marton Arms (Thornton-in-Lonsdale) 3pm to late in the function room (children are welcome). Please stop for a drink or a bite to eat and to get your copy of the book.

It is possible to buy in advance from our website northerncaves.co.uk to collect at the book launch, at Hidden Earth or have it posted to you. First dispatch will not be until 19th September at the earliest.

Thanks to Gary Douthwaite and Computer FX for the website and Jon Haynes for the database design.
That, Sam, is a superb resource Many congratulations to all concerned.

Possibly needs some data checking? Perilous Pot is said to be 15 metres deep, but it has a 27 metre pitch in it.

As a matter of interest, would the Short Drop length include Rift Entrance and Coal Hole, or would one need to add them together to get the total length of the Short Drop system (there are obviously many such examples!)?

Is it intended that it be updated as new developments come along?
Hi Langcliffe

Re:- Perilous Pot 

I've checked the data is correct, the length and depth relates to the passage described within that entry.

In this case it is only described up to the now more widely used entrance of Excellent Pot which contains the 27m pitch.
So in order to get the entire length of the system you would need to add together the length of both these caves.

The same theory would apply to other systems, like your Short Drop example.

There are a few minor errors on the site, due to it running from an old copy of our database, these will be rectified in due course when possible.

Hopefully, ongoing we would like to keep this data-set up to date but we'll have to see how this works as we continue  work on the next two volumes.......

Brilliant.  Of all the caves to be singled out from this tremendous work it is Perilous Pot.  ;D

Obvious one of the best in the book
Beardy said:
Hi Langcliffe

Re:- Perilous Pot 

I've checked the data is correct, the length and depth relates to the passage described within that entry.

In this case it is only described up to the now more widely used entrance of Excellent Pot which contains the 27m pitch.
So in order to get the entire length of the system you would need to add together the length of both these caves.

The same theory would apply to other systems, like your Short Drop example.

There are a few minor errors on the site, due to it running from an old copy of our database, these will be rectified in due course when possible.

Hopefully, ongoing we would like to keep this data-set up to date but we'll have to see how this works as we continue  work on the next two volumes.......


Thanks, Beardy. That explains it. I did look for an entry for Excellent Pot to see if that was the case before posting, but I couldn't find one.