Worth £160!!

    to enter, post a photo or tale on the subject of 'Christmas and caving' - be as imaginative as you like! Tenuous links welcome.

    Click here to enter

BEC Membership Competition (Regional CHECCs) 2019


Post your entries for the BEC Membership Competition here!

Know a caver graduating soon? Know someone who's worthy of joining the world of proper adult caving? Nominate someone you think deserves to win one year's worth of membership of the BEC and why. Open to uni cavers of all regions who will be attending one or both of the Regional CHECCs. The nominated caver can be from the North or South, it doesn't matter, as the BEC stickers say, they get everywhere!

Post your nominations below!

Closing Date Midnight 30th of March


Well-known member
(disclaimer: subject to acceptance by the BEC committee of course, although generally we aren't that fussy - and if you've been previously rejected by the Wessex that's almost an automatic invite :p )


Well-known member
As was once said to me by J-Rat:

"Lots of people ask to join the BEC, some people get told to join the BEC, very few people get invited to join the BEC."


New member
I nominate John Taylor from KUCC!

He is the current president of the club and has been a part of the club for 4 years. He will be leaving next year, however having been in a club where our main focus is freshers, it's been quite difficult for him to do his own caving - simply because he is ALWAYS doing trips for new cavers, or for cavers who are a lot less experienced. I think this has taken away some of the fun of caving since he hasn't been able to challenge himself (we've had atleast one fresher on every trip), therefore I think it would be great to be able to continue caving even after graduation, but to also not be restricted in what he can do.

It's one of the aspects of being a leader in our club. Leaders are happy to help new cavers gain confidence and new skills, however it would be nice to give the experience of caving back to him as he's given the experience to many others - including myself!