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Careful peeps......


Staff member
Makes me laugh at those who believe the covid vaccine implants a controlling chip in people - when we all carry around a mobile phone which does it much better already

:eek: :LOL:


Well-known member
Badlad said:
Makes me laugh at those who believe the covid vaccine implants a controlling chip in people - when we all carry around a mobile phone which does it much better already

:eek: :LOL:

Absolutely right on!
The thing about this chip conspiracy theory or whatever, how do you get a microchip complete with a power source small enough to pass through a hypodermic needle. I am sure that there is a medical person on here somewhere who can tell us the internal diameter? I would guess at about 0.25mm or thereabouts?

The readiness to credit technology with the impossible by some people astounds me.


Well-known member
My immediate colleague in a previous job a few years ago, his role before that was working with forensics and ermm.. "tools" for phones. He couldn't say very much about the matter but I do gather that there are a number of companies that operate in this area and that law enforcement and security, of pretty much every government are consumers of these technologies.

It reinforced my view that if you need to have an extremely confidential discussion it shouldn't be conducted over or near a phone, smart tv, ring doorbell etc.

That said the only people who have conversations of a level of confidentiality that would attract this effort are criminals, certain government workers or contractors, and sometimes journalists and activists. But for 99.99% of the population this isn't at all relevant and assuming you didn't fall in the previous categories you needn't give any of this a second more of thought


Well-known member
royfellows said:
Badlad said:
Makes me laugh at those who believe the covid vaccine implants a controlling chip in people - when we all carry around a mobile phone which does it much better already

:eek: :LOL:

Absolutely right on!
The thing about this chip conspiracy theory or whatever, how do you get a microchip complete with a power source small enough to pass through a hypodermic needle. I am sure that there is a medical person on here somewhere who can tell us the internal diameter? I would guess at about 0.25mm or thereabouts?

The readiness to credit technology with the impossible by some people astounds me.

Let us not forget that microchips are implanted into dogs and cats with a hypodermic needle...



The microchips in the covid jabs only activate when near a 5G mast.
To deactivate them you have to put your head in a microwave for 20 seconds on high. :eek:


New member
ChrisJC said:
Let us not forget that microchips are implanted into dogs and cats with a hypodermic needle...
I suspect you would be clued in by the excruciating pain and rather large wound if someone tried to jab you with one of those instead of a normal vaccine hypodermic. Have you seen the size on them? Hoofing great things.


New member
Cantclimbtom said:
My immediate colleague in a previous job a few years ago, his role before that was working with forensics and ermm.. "tools" for phones. He couldn't say very much about the matter but I do gather that there are a number of companies that operate in this area and that law enforcement and security, of pretty much every government are consumers of these technologies.

It reinforced my view that if you need to have an extremely confidential discussion it shouldn't be conducted over or near a phone, smart tv, ring doorbell etc.

That said the only people who have conversations of a level of confidentiality that would attract this effort are criminals, certain government workers or contractors, and sometimes journalists and activists. But for 99.99% of the population this isn't at all relevant and assuming you didn't fall in the previous categories you needn't give any of this a second more of thought
That's my take on it too. Although given my hatred of the current governme.,..,..


Well-known member
dibbler said:
The microchips in the covid jabs only activate when near a 5G mast.
To deactivate them you have to put your head in a microwave for 20 seconds on high. :eek:
The conspiracy theorists mostly seem to reckon that Bill Gates is in charge of the Covid jab microchip project. If that were the case, then you'd need to reboot your mind control microchips three times a day by sticking your left index finger in your right ear, your right index finger in your left ear and your right thumb in your left nostril and hold them there for a minimum of three seconds.  :)


Well-known member
dibbler said:
The microchips in the covid jabs only activate when near a 5G mast.
To deactivate them you have to put your head in a microwave for 20 seconds on high. :eek:
You see that's where they've been clever. Look really carefully at the masks, notice above the nose there is usually a small metal strip. Waveguide!! Converts the 5g signals into neural commands. I've had to upgrade my tinfoil hat to include a nose cover too. It attracts a lot of attention when I go to the shops, but you just can't be too careful these days ;)


ChrisJC said:
Let us not forget that microchips are implanted into dogs and cats with a hypodermic needle...

:LOL: pet microchips are so big you can feel them under the skin (they're a bit bigger than a grain of rice) and also are completely passive RFID with tiny antennas so you need to be very close to them to read them!


Well-known member
aricooperdavis said:
ChrisJC said:
Let us not forget that microchips are implanted into dogs and cats with a hypodermic needle...

:LOL: pet microchips are so big you can feel them under the skin (they're a bit bigger than a grain of rice) and also are completely passive RFID with tiny antennas so you need to be very close to them to read them!
If a huge pet microchip can't provide enough mind control to make a cat come when called, then the tiny covid vaccine ones for humans stand no chance of working.  :)


Active member
in response to royfellows - internal diameter of a 25 or 26 gauge needle  (the sort used for most vaccinations) is 0.26 mm. It would need to be a very, very clever chip that could enter a cell, use itsl mitochondria as a power source and then take over the DNA to control you. Oh wait, that's a virus....


Active member
wellyjen said:
If a huge pet microchip can't provide enough mind control to make a cat come when called, then the tiny covid vaccine ones for humans stand no chance of working.  :)

My dog's recall microchip function is activated by food... ::)


Well-known member
The thing that cracks me up about this, is if this was technologically possible why not just put the darn chips in the water supply, much easier and you don't have to cook up a whole pandemic.


New member
I rather like the idea of a tracking chip in the vaccine. That way if I wander off get lost in my senior years someone then people will be able to find me.

I expect they will use the 5G network to track me :)

The only problem I see with it is that we can't even get a phone signal in my village.


New member
As the vaccine is taken from a vial containing 6 -10 doses how could you make sure there was at least one microchip in each injection? or is the microchip that small, you have multiple chips just to make sure, they must be really small as a shot of vaccine is either 5 mml or 3mml (I think).

Anyway if Bill Gates wants to track me, I would be honoured, I didn't know I was that interesting  ;) :LOL: :D

Paul Marvin

ChrisJC said:
royfellows said:
Badlad said:
Makes me laugh at those who believe the covid vaccine implants a controlling chip in people - when we all carry around a mobile phone which does it much better already

:eek: :LOL:

Absolutely right on!
The thing about this chip conspiracy theory or whatever, how do you get a microchip complete with a power source small enough to pass through a hypodermic needle. I am sure that there is a medical person on here somewhere who can tell us the internal diameter? I would guess at about 0.25mm or thereabouts?

The readiness to credit technology with the impossible by some people astounds me.

Let us not forget that microchips are implanted into dogs and cats with a hypodermic needle...


That's a 12g or 14g also known as a scaffold tube most people would run a mile