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CaveMaps.org has been upgraded:

-          CPC and RRCPC surveys are online at full resolution

-          Surveys from several other clubs are catalogued with thumbnails

-          The map uses the full screen

-          The site has a new look and feel

There is more to do but I wanted to launch it before Xmas, so it?s there with a few rough edges.

Many thanks to CPC and RRCPC for leading the way by releasing their surveys for use in this way. I am hoping that other clubs will follow suit.


That's amazing! What a great source of info (not to mention early christmas present!) - everyone involved should be dead chuffed with that - something that given the prevelance of the internet is arguably overdue but, with a site as good as this, definitely worth waiting for :)

Big thumbs up too to the clubs that have recognised the benefit this will offer loads of people and being willing to let full scans go up.  (y)


New member
Some excellent improvements. I love the Google earth plug-in option. I had not seen that before. Pity the surveys are not shown on the Google Earth mode. I know we have managed to add surveys as surface overlays in Google Earth for Matienzo, but not as a plug-in on a web page. You have to download a Google Earth data file to load.

Some simple enhancements I would suggest:
- Add cave names as pop-ups on the markers (See http://www.geography.lancs.ac.uk/Matienzo/indexnmf.htm for example of what I mean).
- Provide an option to turn on all markers for all regions. It is a pain to have to select the region and tick all the marker boxes each time. Googlemaps can handle lots of markers. We have over 2500 on the Matienzo map.
- Terrain overlay. I've added this to my Matienzo map but that version is not online yet. It is a new map type. See http://www.google.com/maps?q=ingleborough&hl=en-GB&ie=UTF8&ll=54.166102,-2.400341&spn=0.037536,0.077248&t=p&z=14 for example

It would be great to see some detailed survey overlays. I'm working through all the Matienzo surveys adding them. See here for example:

Keep up the excellent work!


New member
An excellent website Mr Mapper.  (y) I have used several it several times before and after caving trips. Especially with new caves to me. I often cave with cavers who are a tad older than me, e.g ex ULSA members, a few WRPC caverc etc, and they often refer to the days when they surveyed harder or more obscure caves. Especially the ones up ere in t'Yorkshire Dales.
I was excited to see some surveys published on your site but when I click on em them they appear as small surveys in the top left corner of my screen but cant seem to zoom in on them without it pixelating so cant read the text. Am I doing something wrong?
Keep up the good work.

As someone one who was brought up on the flanks of Ingleborough its good to see stuff like this.. :)


New member
knuckledragger said:
was excited to see some surveys published on your site but when I click on em them they appear as small surveys in the top left corner of my screen but cant seem to zoom in on them without it pixelating so cant read the text. Am I doing something wrong?
Cave Mapper said:
CaveMaps.org has been upgraded:

-          CPC and RRCPC surveys are online at full resolution

-          Surveys from several other clubs are catalogued with thumbnails
As soon as I get permission from the clubs concerned, I will be able to put the full resolution surveys on the site.

As Dunc points out, the CPC and RRCPC surveys are already online in full detail.

One point of clarification: the links from the 'Regions' pages always display thumbnails, to get the full size surveys you need to go to the club pages.
The idea is that you quickly scan through the available surveys for a region by looking at the thumbnails, and then when you've found the one you want you can go to the relevent club page to get the full size version.
I've just had an email from a representative of the now defunct LUSS, with permission to put their surveys on-line. I think that will include high grade surveys of Heron Pot, P5, Bar Pot, Flood Entrance, Growling Hole and Spectacle Pot.
Looking good.

Feel free to use the Google Maps OS Grid overlay and coordinate conversion javascript code detailed here http://www.bdcc.co.uk/Gmaps/BdccGmapBits.htm - I think it helps give scale to the moorland. It might also be handy to display the mouse pointer's WGS84/LatLon + grid reference to record interesting looking spots.

Also feel free to reuse any ideas from the latest version of my hike/ride planning site at http://wheresthepath.googlepages.com/wheresthepath.htm You will probably have to visit this early in the day before the OS map quota runs out.

I probably posted this stuff before but probably worth repeating on this thread for the record ...

It would be good to see more full surveys on-line, like we have done for Upper Flood at http://upperflood.googlepages.com/UfSurvey.htm. With a bit of colouring work on the survey, we get http://upperflood.googlepages.com/UfSurface.htm

Its also possible to do community contribution stuff like http://upperflood.googlepages.com/UfPhotos.htm and http://upperflood.googlepages.com/UfDigs.htm both of which use Google Spreadsheets for data storage, allowing MCG members to make their own updates. However in practice, the good old pen+paper log book in the MCG hut seems to win out over on-line exploration logging.

Interesting point footleg.
I have tiled the individual surveys and then serve them all together as one tile layer as this is the easiest way to proceed. When zoomed out, this means only one of the likenamed tiles from the multiple tilings is shown.

What is really needed is to aggregate the adjacent surveys before tiling.

This may become an issue this community will have to solve before a lot of adjacent surveys can be easily/quickly shown in the browser using a single tiled map layer.

There are also, occasionally, issues with the Google API code, the tile server host and the browser cache conspiring together to omit the odd tile.



Fantastic website. Does anyone know how to zoom the surveys without loosing readable quality? Cheers.
Caving Nat said:
Fantastic website. Does anyone know how to zoom the surveys without loosing readable quality? Cheers.

My second post on this thread explains how to get the full size surveys.


Active member
I've said before, I think cavemaps.org is fantastic and now even more feature-packed, I've personally spent hours on the new site now looking through surveys out of interest (on top of the countless hours I'd spent on the old site!). Wonderful job! And I hope more clubs join RRCPC, CPC and LUSS in releasing surveys to your site.

Oh, if only LUSS were still around, it seems I when I started at Lancaster Uni it had just died.

Again if there's anything I can help with ever, just drop me a line, I build PHP online applications every day at work :)

If it's any help, below is a more accurate position for Smeltmill Beck Cave (under Outlying Areas section I think):



Snebitt, is your profile picture Valey Entrance? Just curious...

(sorry for this being a bit out of context on this thread)