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Bad air / pollution / bad bolts / etc


This topic only for updates on current alerts. Keep all discussion regarding any particular alert to seperate topics please.


Could anyone posting information about bad air in a Mendip cave please include the barometric pressure for the time of the trip and a summary of the pressure for a couple of weeks before.  This information is available from: http://www.mendipweather.org.uk - the site shows the current weather and the last 30 days.


Active member
bad air experianced in tynings barow swallet 25th october and cokoo cleeves 26th october
Swildon's in sump 1 chamber before you go through - bad air on 27th Oct

Barometer reading shows:
17th Oct - 1007
19th to 21st - 1035
22nd - 1020
24th - 1025
26th - 1020
27th - 1023
28th - 1020
29th - 1010

cap n chris

Well-known member
July 2008, Poor air in Swildons Hole; noted Sunday 20th.

Barometric pressure: 997

Pressure in preceeding weeks >=1005-1010

Suggest reason for poor air is recent heavy rains washing in organic detritus which is now rotting in situ.

cap n chris

Well-known member
No reason to stay away; merely pointing out that the air in the cave isn't pure and wholesome - it won't kill you or nuffin*. In fact, come to think of it, there's nothing wrong with the air in the cave whatsoever, unless you happen to like running everywhere and prefer not to be out of breath while doing so.

* Speck.


Bad air in Cuckoo Cleaves on Thursday 24th July evening.  Seemed to be a problem at the bottom of the ladder even though there was a draught and by the bottom of the climb we turned round and had difficulty getting out.  It's really dangerous at the moment.



For the record (Because Mendip Weather Station not working):
Pressure approx 1016Mb and it has been quite windy over past week (i.e. pressure has not been constant).


New member
Request from a club member with no internet access to report bad air on ACG trip to Cuckoo cleeves 14/09/08. Most recent pressure reading 996.9 mb.


New member
twiglet said:
Request from a club member with no internet access to report bad air on ACG trip to Cuckoo cleeves 14/09/08. Most recent pressure reading 996.9 mb.

I suppose this was the group who went down Cuckoo Cleeves before us yesterday -- group of 4/5? They told us as we went in that the air wasn't great. We got down as far as a streamway (it didn't seem very far on the way in, I hadn't been in the cave before) before deciding that the air really was quite bad. Getting out was a real struggle, very unpleasant. Certainly the worst air I've experienced in a cave.

I'd recommend being careful with this cave, especially if more than one group is going through it on the same day.


Sunday 12th October 2008:

4 of us experienced bad air in Swildon's Shatter Series in the U-tube/Junction Chamber area.

We were all breathing very heavily and with me being in Junction Chamber on my own was feeling unwell/faint. Good efforts by all for evacuating the area as quickly as possible  (y)

Afterwards I was informed that it was the worst time of year for this part of the cave due to the decay of vegetation.
Think it's worth passing on the message as it was a scary experience for us. A note has been left on the board in the Wessex hut.



New member
Following a recent trip to Compton Ochre Mine I wish to report that the members of our club that visited found that the lock was broken and so was the gate.
Could someone pass this on to the powers that be.

Many thanks
Mark Whyte
ChCC Secretary
anfieldman said:
Following a recent trip to Compton Ochre Mine I wish to report that the members of our club that visited found that the lock was broken and so was the gate.
Could someone pass this on to the powers that be.

Many thanks
Mark Whyte
ChCC Secretary

Just left a message for Les, Thanks Mark. I for one would love to find out who did this, obtaining access with a CSCC key is so simple too.


New member
Known by None said:
anfieldman said:
Following a recent trip to Compton Ochre Mine I wish to report that the members of our club that visited found that the lock was broken and so was the gate.
Could someone pass this on to the powers that be.

Many thanks
Mark Whyte
ChCC Secretary

Just left a message for Les, Thanks Mark. I for one would love to find out who did this, obtaining access with a CSCC key is so simple too.

Not a problem. I'm just sorry that through my amazing secretary powers I gave you all the message about two weeks too late. Completely disorganised T**t am I.