• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

    Click here for details of this edition

An East Kingsdale project…


Well-known member
No huge victory (yet) but I thought people might be interested in my little project all the same.
Thunder Hole is an a short blind pitch of about 6m which was in the book as being free claimable to a too tight rift with the sound of water… It sounded intriguing and is in potentially an interesting place, perched above the line of the Brown Hill Pot rift so a wander up for a look seemed worthwhile

Shakehole located and full of rocks and bags of sheep with no pitch at all.

A few trips a later and the top was emptied out and the climb located once a few large blocks had been trundled down the shaft and lifted out.

Permission sought at Braida Garth who were incredibly positive and helpful and it was time to go a bit more serious, and with some effort a tripod and winch set up was carted up the fell.

A few trips have followed and the rift is very slowly getting wider and while there’s no particular draught the “thundering” of the water is notable after rain and water vanishes down between the rocks and fill which block the current end.

Much helpful advice has been taken from folk like @Badlad and @Alan Sp8 and @georgenorth and I’ve drafted in digging legend Pete Roe who was finally tempted away from swaledale!!

If folk are up there feel free to poke your heads down but please leave the winch set up as it is etc. ☺️

A steady solo capping session was had today, with the shaft giving a good impression of a depth charged submarine as water poured in from above and out of seemingly every orifice available… Managed to get the bottom a good bit wider to allow for easier working and spoil clearance 👍🏻
Kingsdale Beck had risen to my thigh height (which isn’t that high as people who know me will testify) when I came back down the hill in the late afternoon. A grim day to be
The floor is no more….. a session of judicious prodding with a bar and persuasion and the “floor” of the rift disappeared…. The noise of the waterfall has increased significantly and the cold draught is very noticeable when working at the end.
The next session will be magnet fishing for the capping rods I dropped down it 😂

A snowy walk up the fell for a bit more cave destruction today… It was actually much more pleasant on winch duty than it has been on the last few visits as there was no lashing rain for a change!
It’s steady progress widening the rift enough the allow spoil to be cleared but it’s starting to feel noticeably deeper when lifting buckets and still has an encouraging draught
Todays session summed up in a photograph…
Some rock removal under a cold shower but my original rods recovered (although they battled for freedom to the last by poking me in the eye with the pointy end)
The stream was deafening today with all the snow melt water
