BREAKING: Twll Du entrance to Ogof Draenen blocked with reinforced concrete

Simon Wilson

New member
Roger W said:
I think David was suggesting that the "different landowner" might possibly be willing to allow digging on his land to open another entrance.

I'm sure there used to be a way of blocking off other members of the forum that you didn't like or agree with so that their posts became invisible to you (although other forum users could still see them).  The trouble is, I can't remember how it was done, and a quick forum search didn't help either.

You can block people and I have tried dealing with the troll by doing that. Unfortunately it does not work.

The blocking feature is a waste of time because most people read the forum without logging in and the block only works if you are logged in.


Staff member
If you go to 'profile' and then 'modify profile' you will see an option for 'buddy/ignore list'.  Never tried it myself but it is one of the features.

Let's all be nice anyway  :hug:

David Rose

Active member
Nowhere in my unbiased and factual report do I suggest that it's ok to dig without permission on Crow land, and while the QC's opinion (from my sister) for the BCA says Crow should apply to caving, it's obvious that the government, Natural England etc don't yet accept this or we wouldn't be having a BCA campaign about it.

But Droid, you baffle me. Where have you found these supposed normative statements in my little post? They just aren't there. Roger W seems to have grasped the point of what I was saying without much difficulty.

Bob Mehew

Well-known member
Rhys said:
Does CROW give a right to dig now; or is landowner permission still required?
Paragraph 1 of Schedule 2 of the act states "Section 2(1) does not entitle a person to be on any land if, in or on that land, he? ... (l) intentionally removes, damages or destroys any plant, shrub, tree or root or any part of a plant, shrub, tree or root,...".  So it might be construed that one can move soil provided you do not damage any part of a plant such as grass.  There is also the murky waters of whether digging also requires the agreement of the mineral rights holder as well as the land owner plus, of course any other person who has rights to use the land which might be infringed by digging. 

In simpler terms - CRoW does not give any such right.



New member
Rhys said:
Nice try Newstuff. "Dislodging topsoil" sounds like digging to me. This sort of "clever" wordplay just makes you look foolish.

Don't mangle what I said, it makes you look foolish. Normal exploratory caving, as you would do anywhere when pushing leads, avens etc, is likely to dislodge the thin layer of topsoil that I'm lead to believe exists there.. Even simple people can understand that. That may result on a clod to the head, or daylight.  Here, read it again. Go slowly on the big words eh?

NewStuff said:
Who said anything about digging? As I understand it, Twll Du, and other places, are under an exceedingly thin layer of topsoil. Just exploratory caving would likely dislodge it. So, to answer your question - Neither.


Oh yeah. The "we accidentally broke through" defence. Pretty unlikely to be believed. Especially if you post about it here first!


New member
Rhys said:
Oh yeah. The "we accidentally broke through" defence. Pretty unlikely to be believed. Especially if you post about it here first!

Given I don't frequent South Wales, let a lone cave or dig there, I'd say you're making shit up again.
I will not be digging, breaking through or even doing basic caving in Draenen. Clear enough for you?


Active member
David Rose said:
But Droid, you baffle me. Where have you found these supposed normative statements in my little post? They just aren't there. Roger W seems to have grasped the point of what I was saying without much difficulty.


Thank you and respect for being able to defend your position without insult or demanding banning or censorship.



NewStuff said:
Rhys said:
Oh yeah. The "we accidentally broke through" defence. Pretty unlikely to be believed. Especially if you post about it here first!

Given I don't frequent South Wales, let a lone cave or dig there, I'd say you're making shit up again.
I will not be digging, breaking through or even doing basic caving in Draenen. Clear enough for you?

I'm not making anything up. I'm just aiming to inject a bit of balance and perhaps some harsh reality.


New member
Rhys said:
I'm not making anything up. I'm just aiming to inject a bit of balance and perhaps some harsh reality.

Balance? You? Pull the other one, it's got bells on it. I'm more likely to advocate closing all other entrances to this system with concrete than you are to be balanced.

Simon Beck

NewStuff said:
Rhys said:
I'm not making anything up. I'm just aiming to inject a bit of balance and perhaps some harsh reality.

Balance? You? Pull the other one, it's got bells on it. I'm more likely to advocate closing all other entrances to this system with concrete than you are to be balanced.

I appreciate you feel pretty strongly about open access Newstuff, but have wondered with your lack of interest in caving in South Wales why you are getting involved. Wouldn't 'Oral Proponent of multiple Entry' be a more appropriate Custom Title for the duration of this thread?


New member
Simon Beck said:
NewStuff said:
Rhys said:
I'm not making anything up. I'm just aiming to inject a bit of balance and perhaps some harsh reality.

Balance? You? Pull the other one, it's got bells on it. I'm more likely to advocate closing all other entrances to this system with concrete than you are to be balanced.

I appreciate you feel pretty strongly about open access Newstuff, but have wondered with your lack of interest in caving in South Wales why you are getting involved. Wouldn't 'Oral Proponent of multiple Entry' be a more appropriate Custom Title for the duration of this thread?

I would love go to Draenen, but given some of the people involved in this clusterfuck, and past unfounded accusations ranging from opening up entrances to criminal damage, it's just inviting all sorts of shenanigans. Quite frankly - I can do without the shit. Can you imagine the shitslinging if someone opened up another entrance within a month of me caving in that neck of the woods? I know which applecarts I can upset in my neck of the woods, and which need to be kept upright, even if it's not ideal. I don't have the same detail of the situation down there.  It would be very silly of me to go rampaging in and say "f*** it all. If things were saner there, I'd happily go caving.

As for custom titles - that sounds like a dodgy german porn flick. In that vein, I prefer "f*** the PDCMG".  ;) :halo:

Simon Beck

NewStuff said:
Simon Beck said:
NewStuff said:
Rhys said:
I'm not making anything up. I'm just aiming to inject a bit of balance and perhaps some harsh reality.

Balance? You? Pull the other one, it's got bells on it. I'm more likely to advocate closing all other entrances to this system with concrete than you are to be balanced.

I appreciate you feel pretty strongly about open access Newstuff, but have wondered with your lack of interest in caving in South Wales why you are getting involved. Wouldn't 'Oral Proponent of multiple Entry' be a more appropriate Custom Title for the duration of this thread?

I would love go to Draenen, but given some of the people involved in this clusterfuck, and past unfounded accusations ranging from opening up entrances to criminal damage, it's just inviting all sorts of shenanigans. Quite frankly - I can do without the shit. Can you imagine the shitslinging if someone opened up another entrance within a month of me caving in that neck of the woods? I know which applecarts I can upset in my neck of the woods, and which need to be kept upright, even if it's not ideal. I don't have the same detail of the situation down there.  It would be very silly of me to go rampaging in and say "f*** it all. If things were saner there, I'd happily go caving.

As for custom titles - that sounds like a dodgy german pr0n flick. In that vein, I prefer "f*** the PDCMG".  ;) :halo:

No offence intended Newstuff, call it a poor attempt at injecting some humour in to this thread, and not necessarily at your expense either. I'm all for multiple entrances and hope they find an alternative so those opposed have something to stick in their pipes and smoke.


Well-known member
It's a good cave, I've not got very far, but from what I've seen i'll have to agree with someone I met when they said that the "main entrance" series is the best bit of the cave. Wonderbra and Tea Junction were also pretty good too, then there's some more caving, some science and then if you go one way you'll find Indiana highway which was pretty cool too.

Newstuff, you don't have to go far to have a good day, and then you don't even need to go near any of the bits near the surface.
You should try it, and post a trip report on here! Then we know you've been, we know where you've been  :confused: and we'll know how much fun you've had. You might even put a smile on Pegasus' face.  :tease:


Staff member
alastairgott said:
You might even put a smile on Pegasus' face.  :tease:

Pff - I dread seeing Draenan mentioned in a post.  Does the forum no good at all  :(  Just more fuel for the forum haters, shame as UKC isn't all bad - am sat here putting together a post for the CHECC Grand Prize, wonder why I flippin bother.....


Active member
I've got a good idea for a checc prize, how about a new shiny entrance named after the winner  :coffee:

Roger W

Well-known member
Pegasus said:
alastairgott said:
You might even put a smile on Pegasus' face.  :tease:

Pff - I dread seeing Draenan mentioned in a post.  Does the forum no good at all  :(  Just more fuel for the forum haters, shame as UKC isn't all bad - am sat here putting together a post for the CHECC Grand Prize, wonder why I flippin bother.....

Why bother?  'Cos there are a lot of folk on this forum (well, one at least) who switch off at the mention of a certain cave but who really appreciate what you and Badlad are doing to help caving generally.