Canyoning in Mallorca




Could anyone please tell me if there are any guidebooks to canyoning in Mallorca availible and where from?

Or not if there are any online guides etc.

I am going for the first time this year but im struggling to find the relevent info on the web


cave junky

New member
Below are a couple of links that may be of some use. (used this whilst there over new year, there is a least one canyon in it, it is a dry one tho)
Hope this is of some help


The classic canyoning trip in Mallorca is down 'sa fosca'.  Wet suits highly advisable.  Many pitches and takes some time.  Some guidance (eg rough pitch lengths) is available from the internet - eg

An easier (although still potentially serious) trip is down 'la torrente de pareis'.  The sa fosca trip drops into this canyon about half way along.  Even though no gear (rope or wetsuit) is required, please read the warning (speaking as one of the 12, it really wasn't a good way to start a holiday!).

Hope this is of some help,


New member
If your french is up to it (or Google translate/Babelfish etc):

Thierry Achmetoff has written a new guide in French.  It can be purchased direct from him for ~25 Euros, PM me if you want his contact details (or they can easily be found on the descent canyon website).  I've found no other english language resources on the net apart from those already mentioned.

Rob, just realised it's you.  Speak to you in the pub.


New member
"Gorg Blau i Sa Fosca"

I found Gorg Blau to be a cold bit of canyon - even in a two-piece 5mm wetsuit and with a bouyancy aid giving extra warmth (i am pretty skinny though...).  The swimming just goes on and on (see CUCC report).  Sa Fosca (the underground part) was an absolute relief, much warmer and friendlier.  This was in early April.

We used the book mentioned above; it's great :


Chris J

Active member
I bought a canyoning book guide when out there as did several of my companions (mine was different so there are at least 2 around). Think they got theirs in Decathalon.

the map shop (the only one, in Palma) might be another place to pick up this sort of thing.



New member
If you want up to date local info I would suggest contacting John at Rocksport Mallorca.
Even if you aren't looking for a guide I am sure he will be able to point you in the right direction.

NB I had a day guided sports climbing when I holidayed there which was a fab day out.


There is a BEC trip to Majorca for canyoning/caving/topless sunbathing in September so this information will also hlep me - thank you chaps!
Sa Fosca is the trip to do - all the way to the sea at Sa Callobra down the Torrente de Pareis. Watch out for the 'pit of despair' in one of the approach canyons (can't remember which one - there are a number of options to start but none once established in the main event).
Take spare ropes in case the large jolly party gets spilt up and don't forget to dump a car (or two) at the bottom end.

Can also recommend the ridge 'walk' between Puerto Pollensa and Cala san Vicente. Turn R at the col (not L as per guidebook) and stick to the crest for the 'slab of death'.