Carbon offsetting for expeditions

cap n chris

Well-known member
In a divided society perhaps the best option is to ignore the oddballs and continue upholding traditional beliefs, values, freedoms and behaviour. Certainly I am taking not one jot of notice of anyone who wants to diminish liberty. BCA/GPF et al might wish to take note of the catchphrase "Go woke: go broke". I imagine the BCA's push to get people to leave a legacy in their WIll(s) to them might find it drops off a cliff when people realise the inheritance will be supporting things they'd fundamentally disagree with.


Well-known member
BCA/GPF et al might wish to take note of the catchphrase "Go woke: go broke".

Seem not...
Barbie is now the 11th highest ever grossing film in the US, 7th highest ever grossing film in the UK and (entertainingly) the highest ever grossing film in Ireland :)


Well-known member
However, it's soundly beaten by many unwoke films, especially once you adjust for inflation (half takings of Star Wars: The Force Awakens in 10th place):
Pretty much all of them earned up to "only" 10 times their cost, except Gone with the Wind, The Sound of Music, Star Wars & E.T., which did significantly better. (We've really wandered off topic now!)
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View attachment 16851

Seem not...
Barbie is now the 11th highest ever grossing film in the US, 7th highest ever grossing film in the UK and (entertainingly) the highest ever grossing film in Ireland :)

By the end of Barbie she seemed to have ditched herself and was into babies and prams again. It’s a common theme amongst the numerous unsprogged 30-somethings in our extended family. Panic sets in. Who knew?


Well-known member
Umm - cruise ships are worse than planes:
Bringing the thread back on topic, the above post made me question the footprint options of getting to Matienzo via plane (Man - Santander) vs ferry (Portsmouth - Santander). A quick review suggests footprint of ferries and cruise ships vary massively depending on loads of factors, making it pretty tricky to do the calcs. Is there maybe a calculator that can be trusted for stuff like this?


Well-known member
The maths is almost impossible, but ferries are better than cruise ships because they replace another form of transport, whereas a cruise could be contrasted with lying on the beach... The one factor in their favour is that the ferry will be going whether you are on it or not, whilst flights will be cut back if fewer people book (Cross Channel ferrries are somewhere between the two extremes)

However, this (old) write up reckons the ferry is better than taking the train, although doesn't appear to consider where you start from, or finish:
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Well-known member
But as this reports, 5 years ago they were having the same problems working it out (the figures are better if it's full of freight than cars, but then again, more efficient if cars fill the space not needed by lorries!) Confusing things further, a long crossing "should" be more efficient per km than a short one, but rough seas will mess with that:
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Well-known member
In a divided society perhaps the best option is to ignore the oddballs and continue upholding traditional beliefs, values, freedoms and behaviour. Certainly I am taking not one jot of notice of anyone who wants to diminish liberty. BCA/GPF et al might wish to take note of the catchphrase "Go woke: go broke". I imagine the BCA's push to get people to leave a legacy in their WIll(s) to them might find it drops off a cliff when people realise the inheritance will be supporting things they'd fundamentally disagree with.
what do you mean by woke? I'm yet to meet someone who can actually give a definition that actually means anything

cap n chris

Well-known member
It has morphed from its original meaning, very likely; nowadays it seems to be largely a type of mindset aimed at or akin with leftism, ecolunacy, normalisation of previously deemed sexual perversions et al and othersuch modern narrative, it appears. I'm guessing its an epithet which categorises a modernistic slant which is vehemently anti-tradition. If this is a correct summary then a practical application of wokeism would be to see how such people find things work out for them if they visit, say, Saudi Arabia, and try to put the locals right about a thing or two.

cap n chris

Well-known member
Bringing the thread back on topic, the above post made me question the footprint options of getting to Matienzo via plane (Man - Santander) vs ferry (Portsmouth - Santander). A quick review suggests footprint of ferries and cruise ships vary massively depending on loads of factors, making it pretty tricky to do the calcs. Is there maybe a calculator that can be trusted for stuff like this?
Rob, I guess what it boils down to is that anything people do will (if you look at life that way) have a "carbon footprint" (what a hateful expression, full of guilt and pervasive crowdswelling tut-tutting) and presumably it's a case of deciding whether (a) you wish to engage in lawful freedom/liberty to enjoy your live/lives howsoever you see fit on the one hand or (b) restrain and restrict your fullness of existence by adhering to a weird religion of carbon counting. If it boils down to "Is your journey really necessary?" then my answer would always be "yes", because enjoyment of life is necessary.


Well-known member
It has morphed from its original meaning, very likely; nowadays it seems to be largely a type of mindset aimed at or akin with leftism, ecolunacy, normalisation of previously deemed sexual perversions et al and othersuch modern narrative, it appears. I'm guessing its an epithet which categorises a modernistic slant which is vehemently anti-tradition. If this is a correct summary then a practical application of wokeism would be to see how such people find things work out for them if they visit, say, Saudi Arabia, and try to put the locals right about a thing or two.
‘It seems’, ‘I’m guessing’, ‘if this is a correct summary’.. so basically no you can’t define it. Why are using words if you don’t actually know what it means 🤷🏼‍♂️


Well-known member
Woke are things/ideas that the Daily Heil hate. If they're banging on about anything that isn't about how great and demure Kate is, or how rubbish Meghan is (which is nothing to do with having a black mother - perish the thought), or that some former child celeb is all grown up, then chances are they're having a go at something they consider to be woke. Hmm. Now there's an idea. A DM wokeness flow-chart handed out in their Sunday Edition.

cap n chris

Well-known member
I tried. Obviously I failed. Someone else can hop on board and make the case. I know how I feel and ain't changin'. FWIW I don't have /watch TV and don't buy/read newspapers so that might explain why I'm less likely to be following any kind of mainstream narrative. Apologies.


Well-known member
According to Sunak, we (the UK) have already been doing more than our fair share, so, I'm off to raze a few woodlands to redress the balance.


New member


Well-known member
Just use one of these to take everyone and your gear. Extremely popular in the parts of the US we have been visiting. The bits on the side expand to make it bigger in case you need the room. At least this one isn’t towing a Hummer as well like one RV I saw. And they are not going short distances.

I think there is an extremely long road ahead for getting Americans out of their weapons of choice. Probably be easier to get them to hand in their guns. The UK is somewhat pissing in the wind, but it does keep some people busy.



Well-known member
If I drive somewhere on a trip, I can choose to buy from Shell garages (that wonderful environmental company) and with the phone loyalty app I get the occasional free kitkat duo or some other promotional discount/freebie (sometimes on the petrol I bought) all on a purchase for petrol I'd have bought anyway. There is an option to offset for carbon, which adds a bit to the cost per litre. I've done it sometimes and sometimes not (it's set at the moment but thinking of switching it off).

My biggest concern is will that money actually do any good or just fund some corporate greenwash campaign. I could stay at home and never make trip (public transport options are impractical for my trips) but that's not an option I'm pursuing.

Carbon offset on fuel is an option though for UK trips (OK not expeditions). Just mentioning it's an option