• CNCC Meeting Saturday 26th October, 9.30am - Clapham Vilage Hall

    Lots on the agenda including Officer vacancies:

    In 2025, our Chair, Access Officer and Treasurer are all standing down. This meeting is an opportunity for interested people to make themselves known, ask questions, or just to spectate to see what the role might involve before putting your name forward.

    Click here for more info

Caves of Bonaire


With my partner and some diving buddies a leasurely holiday to Bonaire has been booked for next march.

However whilst trying to find out about the island I find the odd reference to caves and cave diving, but nothing more than a passing mention.

Can anyone here help me out on this matter?

Many thanks


Well-known member
Contact me on my personal email pglanv@aol.com. Have been in the caves of Bonaire - have visited the island on 3 occasions. Over 200 of ' :Dem plus some good cave diving sites BUT you will have to have the right contacts. If you are a cave diver there is a good chance of doing at least one site. If you do I will be jealous as hell.  :D


Well-known member
Just remembered that I have also pics of Bonaire diving including a flooded cave at www.darkanddeep.co.uk

Les W

Active member
Peter, you probably don't want to put your email address on a public forum  :(

...or do you like spam...


Well-known member
are you planning to send some Les.  Wondered about that but I seem to have quite a good spam filter.  Forgot to mention I gave a talk on caving in Bonaire at Hidden Earth in Kendal about 3 years ago.

Les W

Active member
mrodoc said:
Forgot to mention I gave a talk on caving in Bonaire at Hidden Earth in Kendal about 3 years ago.
Was that the year you didn't run over time  ;)


Well-known member
Probably the year the technical team got me started on time! Seriously have great respect for the technical team. Don't want the plug pulled if I ever give another talk.

Les W

Active member
What do you mean "IF" you give another talk?

I thought you were on a block booking  (y)


mrodoc said:
Contact me on my personal email pglanv@aol.com. Have been in the caves of Bonaire - have visited the island on 3 occasions. Over 200 of ' :Dem plus some good cave diving sites BUT you will have to have the right contacts. If you are a cave diver there is a good chance of doing at least one site. If you do I will be jealous as hell.  :D

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