Caving in South Africa


i am hoping to visit some friends in South Africa (near Durban) in the spring and was wondering if anyone knew of any caving clubs in that region i could contact...when in Rome!!

oh, and have a good crimbo/ New year folks!  :beer:

Les W

Active member
Michael Laumanns of Spelo club Berlin, sells books that cover most of the caving regions of the world including lots of stuff in Africa

The volumes 28 to 30 claim to cover all the caving areas of Africa with many descriptions and Surveys.

These are very good publications that are well researched and produced and the whole series deserves to be part of every club library.
Michael is normally at Hidden Earth and usually does a "deal" to clubs for a series of these books.

If your club doesn't have these then I know that Wessex has the earlier ones, but not the 2008 releases (yet).
I might be persuaded to have a look over the Christmas break if required.  (y)


Les W said:
Michael Laumanns of Spelo club Berlin, sells books that cover most of the caving regions of the world including lots of stuff in Africa

The volumes 28 to 30 claim to cover all the caving areas of Africa with many descriptions and Surveys.

These are very good publications that are well researched and produced and the whole series deserves to be part of every club library.
Michael is normally at Hidden Earth and usually does a "deal" to clubs for a series of these books.

If your club doesn't have these then I know that Wessex has the earlier ones, but not the 2008 releases (yet).
I might be persuaded to have a look over the Christmas break if required.  (y)

Ideally i would like to contact a club as not that confident using a survey underground - i will have a look at the link great place to start.  ;) thanks Les


Well-known member
At the risk of being off topic, I am sure Descent has published articles about non-limestone caves in quartzite(?) forming a deep shaft system somewhere in southern Africa...


rhychydwr1 said:
There is a society:

and of course Stephen Craven is out their.

The SASA used to be very active, but I have not had publications from them for some years now.

Stephen Craven? srry, my lack of knowledge on that one...

i tried the SASA website and all i got was a 404 error, did manged to send an email to the Cave Research Organisation of South Africa and await a reply. will dig into it more in the new year.

thanks folks


New member
j4nny said:
Stephen Craven? srry, my lack of knowledge on that one...

Expat Brit caver resident in South Africa. Ex (? not sure) member of the CPC and, AFAIK the only person to be chucked out of the BCRA!


i've now emailed Stephen Craven and Cave Research Organisation of South Africa - if i hear anything will let you know. thanks for the PM's.  (y)


j4nny said:
i've now emailed Stephen Craven and Cave Research Organisation of South Africa - if i hear anything will let you know. thanks for the PM's.  (y)

'Dr. S.A. Craven, Vice-President, S.A. Spelaeological Association' emailed me back with some info. thanks guys.  (y)