Dachstein Expedition 2024


Well-known member
Dear all,

We are planning the 2024 Dachstein Expedition. Our (provisional) dates are 18th August to the 7th September. For more information, click the link below which will also allow you to register your interest and be added to our list. We are limited to 20-25 people at any time this year, so getting your name in early may be advantageous...


Particularly important now is that we need to make our Ghar Parau application by the end of the month. This is also where we will make our Alex Pitcher applications. We can apply for up to two under-25 cavers who are UK citizens, and who would be on their first exploration-type expedition outside the UK. Filling in the form above will allow you to be considered for the Alex Pitcher award if eligible; last year we were given two awards of £100 each which went directly to the young cavers to help them with the costs of attending, buying kit etc.

Note that we don't split Alex Pitcher awards across multiple people (because we don't think this is permitted by the rules and it waters down the usefulness of the award) but last year we did partially match-fund two cavers (at around £50 each) who would have been eligible for the Alex Pitcher, so even if you don't get submitted for an award we may still give you a discount on the exped fee (on top of the £50 discount we give for U25 cavers or student generally).


Well-known member
If you are curious about the expedition, we will be running our usual open training event, probably in April (dates to be confirmed) and I've just posted three years worth of reports in another thread :)


Well-known member
“Cavers wanted for hazardous journey. Low wages, bitter cold, long hours of complete darkness. Safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in event of success.”

Less than a month to go before the 2024 Dachstein expedition! This is an exciting year; as well as the usual prospecting on the surface, pushing the ongoing shallower caves (Ectoplasm, Goblinhöhle etc.) and last-minute discoveries (the Parallel Universe series in the WUG entrance), we are also setting up a second camp deep in WUG Pot to enable further exploration.

The first camp in WUG is around 700m down. The entrance is mostly nylon highway down to around -550m, then big stomping (but muddy) passage to camp 1. The planned location of camp 2 is around 4 hours caving from here (mostly horizontal with some up/down pitches), and as much mud as you can eat. This should allow much more convenient exploration of the area close to the (diver-only) connection with the rest of the 118km long Hirlatzhöhle.

We are almost running at capacity but have a few more spaces, particularly for any more experienced cavers who are familar with underground camping in Alpine caves (cold, muddy, far from home) as one of the people we were planning on sending to Camp 2 has had to pull out. If anyone is keen to join us, message me and sign up here which also has more information about the exped: https://forms.gle/cWge8bhUt1vVdXQw8

Exped fee is £160 (£110 for U25/students), with accommodation at €11/night.

PS if you sign up but don't message me, I may miss you filling in the form.