Expedition Insurance - Help Needed!


Active member
Has Miri asked other European cavers such as those in Belgium/France what they do? Is it possible for her to join another organisation to get cover through them?

I cannot remember what my friends living abroad do for this but will try and ask.


Active member
Pretty sure the FFS (French version of the BCA) cover caving expeditions for non French people. Might be worth checking out their website.


Duncan S

New member
Benfool said:
Pretty sure the FFS (French version of the BCA) cover caving expeditions for non French people. Might be worth checking out their website.

At the moment, this seems to be her main hope.
But they haven't responded to her emails...

Mark Wright

Well-known member
Benfool said:
Pretty sure the FFS (French version of the BCA) cover caving expeditions for non French people. Might be worth checking out their website.


The FFS are offering rescue insurance to non French cavers attending this years FFS Berger expedition. I think you have to join the FFS on a temporary basis, a bit like having to temporarily join the TSG for insurance purposes to have access to Peak Cavern, if not a BCA member or member of a member club.


Joel Corrigan

New member
Duncan, send me a DM if you like & I'll give you the contact details of my friend who works for ADAC so you can avoid the tricky German words on their website!


Active member
concerning Dogtag, and mulu 2014,
1, yes we had to speak to the MD to get cover
2, as far as I can remember it only covered UK members only and think there was also an issue with members over 65.

so unfortunately for Duncan no use for you. would say best bets are nick Williams link as he has excellent knowledge re insurance and or Joel link

Duncan S

New member
Joel Corrigan said:
Duncan, send me a DM if you like & I'll give you the contact details of my friend who works for ADAC so you can avoid the tricky German words on their website!
Cheers Joel!

Duncan S

New member
badger said:
concerning Dogtag, and mulu 2014,
1, yes we had to speak to the MD to get cover
2, as far as I can remember it only covered UK members only and think there was also an issue with members over 65.

so unfortunately for Duncan no use for you. would say best bets are nick Williams link as he has excellent knowledge re insurance and or Joel link
Nick's link emailed back saying UK residents only.  :(
I've PM'd Joel and await with interest.  8)

Keeping my fingers firmly crossed  :)


Well-known member
You would probably be better speaking to someone at the insurers rather than just e-mailing.

The problem is likely to be that insurance is a fairly highly regulated industry and the companies are not permitted to 'sell' insurance in countries other than those for which they have an operating license. Even if it's not formally a licensing problem, consumer goods/services law across the EU will make any company which normally operates under English law reluctant to put themselves in a position where they may be held to the law of any other jurisdiction.

If you can come to an agreement with the insurer that you will accept that the insurance is sold in the UK and subject to settlement under English law, you may find they will be prepared to accept a fairly broad definition of 'resident'.

But I could be wrong...

Duncan S

New member
Rob said:
Duncan S said:
Rob said:
I use ADAC, very reasonable and supported internally by a caver....
The German motoring group?
Have you get a link to their insurance page that might be relevant please.
I struggled to find a sensible way off the home page.

Detailed post by Georg from ADAC here:
Thanks for that!
We have received an independent recommendation to contact George - Miri is on the case.


I know this is no longer relevant for the trip discussed above, but I thought it's worth adding on to the end of this thread to point out that Dogtag now offer cover for non UK citizens.

Duncan S

New member
Dogtag still have no Personal Accident or Personal Liability cover for exploratory caving.
I'm struggling to find anything that might meaningfully cover rescue costs in everything that is left in the policy.


Duncan S said:
Dogtag still have no Personal Accident or Personal Liability cover for exploratory caving.
I'm struggling to find anything that might meaningfully cover rescue costs in everything that is left in the policy.

"Emergency medical and associated expenses"? They specifically list sports for which rescue costs are not covered (only Arctic Expeditions and Sailing/Yachting Offshore) in their policy documents. https://www.dogtag.co.uk/media/1333/rtwdt40093_v2-interim-no-ipp.pdf

https://www.dogtag.co.uk/sports-information/mountaineering-travel-insurance/ gives info on what's covered by a policy that excludes personal accident & personal liability insurance (neither of which are related to rescue costs).

Duncan S

New member
OK - I hear you...
But how much does it take to wake a helicopter pilot out of his bed and carry you off the mountain.
Anything sub-10k isn't going to cut the mustard.

All the other categories in Dogtag have low limits of liability, so who is going to pay the bills?
Google for some horror stories about emergency teams camped at the cave entrance for a week or more, and it is evident the costs 'could' run into millions.

Dogtag isn't alone here. Most policies offer inadequate expedition rescue cover (FFS, ADAC, etc).
I have been told in rescue situations policies have paid, so using them is OK. But is it really?
I'd rather see it in black and white when taking out the policy.

I went with Snowcard because Summer 2016 they were the only available policy that hinted they might give me adequate cover for expedition rescue.
Pays yer money, etc, etc

Over the Hill

New member
The Austrian Alpine Club (UK) may cover you for cave rescue in certain areas of the World if you become a UK member, a guy in Austria confirmed to me I am covered for Caving Third Party Liability in UK.

No point talking to the UK office though you really need to contact the insurers/club in Austria direct and I can attach a contact point.  :coffee:

Give us an update to how it went.  (y)

Stefan Milojevic

tel.: +43 (512) 238300-16 | fax.: +43 (512) 238300-15 | e-mail: milojevic@knox.co.at


Duncan S said:
OK - I hear you...
But how much does it take to wake a helicopter pilot out of his bed and carry you off the mountain.
Anything sub-10k isn't going to cut the mustard.

All the other categories in Dogtag have low limits of liability, so who is going to pay the bills?
Google for some horror stories about emergency teams camped at the cave entrance for a week or more, and it is evident the costs 'could' run into millions.

Dogtag isn't alone here. Most policies offer inadequate expedition rescue cover (FFS, ADAC, etc).
I have been told in rescue situations policies have paid, so using them is OK. But is it really?
I'd rather see it in black and white when taking out the policy.

I went with Snowcard because Summer 2016 they were the only available policy that hinted they might give me adequate cover for expedition rescue.
Pays yer money, etc, etc

I'm still a little puzzled. Their website states that, "DOGTAG 100% Proof Travel Insurance includes search and rescue as standard and is part of your Emergency Medical and Associated Expenses", and depending on the level of cover you choose, you can be covered for between ?3,000,000 and ?10,000,000 for this (i.e. the same as Snowcard).


Mark Wright said:
As I said, rescue cover is a must. I've had two experiences of requiring the rescue services during a caving expedition.

The first was in Matienzo when Alan Box died in 1994. The rescue services wouldn't even enter the cave until they saw a copy of Alan's rescue insurance policy.

The second was in Mulu in 1996 when we had to pay for the helicopter by credit card to get Nick Jones out of the camp in the Hidden Valley. Because the helicopter company didn't have a copy of our insurance policy it had to be paid for before the helicopter took off and claimed back when we all got home.

The rescue in Peru is a good example of one that could run into millions.

Isn't cave rescue in Spain free? Was going to go with Nicks link for some insurance next week in Cantabria but with a low limit and high excess as I am only doing two fairly straight forward trips. If rescue is free and health care is covered by the ehic then I'm only really covering getting back to the uk (I think?)


Well-known member
Snowcard do pay out too, I had a claim due to rather mundane flight delay (5 days) airline would not caught up so claimed off Snowcard. I claimed 225 which basically covered my loss of car hire in Matienzo.

Over the Hill

New member
BMC paid me out years ago for missing skis after a flight into the UK with no quibble and AAC have paid for a helicopter or two for friends when needed ski touring in Austria and France. I can recommend New Zealand for no bill  :-[

Was it really that long since Alan died?  Tempis F*ckit.  :coffee: