Gnome's Plea

After a sensational and rather hilarious trip down Sidcot tonight I realised in hindsight that I forgot to tighten my battery lid. Therefore somewhere between the Tie press and the water chamber beyond the Lobster pot is an elongated oval piece of metal, black one side and silver the other, it isn't tiny and should stand out. I would have gone back to get it but we would have missed last orders and I knackered my elbow up earlier by flailing around in the lobster pot! Therefore I offer a 10 quid reward ( the tenner I was meant to give Cookie  ;)) and a night of beer (icecream for CnC) if anyone can locate it and return it to me.
I can order a new one no sweat but it won't arrive in time for Tenerife which will be a pisser! Chances are it is at the bottom of the lobster pot or in a puddle directly at the top of it, any finder will have my eternal thanks, and as I intend to be a lifelong caver I'm sure I can repay the favour one day  (y)
Anyone up to the challenge?  :bow:

cap n chris

Well-known member
Since cavers are so tight then can form pure diamonds by clenching coal in their arsecheeks, ?10 is not only a King's Ransom, it is enough to purchase the entire universe. I shall attempt to join the queue stretching towards Langford this morning to chance my arm at returning with Gnomie's Grail. Watch this space...


Active member
Bugger - I am not going to be able to get there until tonight. Eagle-eyed Cap'n (anything for a free ice cream) Chris will have beaten me to it. I would have done it for a ?5 too!
You legendary folk are truly of legend, I wonder who shall win the hallowed tenner+Beer/Ice cream and gratitude. The route was direct to the lobster pot and then to water chamber, we did deviate at the start (we got lost) and turn right when we should have squeezed between the boulder and gone left, which we eventually did. So there is a chance it could be up a few metres to the right of the first little flat out bit, otherside it is more than likely at the bottom of lobster pot ( I banged my head a lot in here), in a puddle just at the top, or water chamber/tie press.


cap n chris

Well-known member
On mentioning Gnomie's wager in the Burrington Car Park this morning to Bru (who is a seasoned Soldier-of-Fortune), he instantly drugged my coffee and ran shrieking like a hysterical child off to find the Grail.

Awakening later I witnessed him spend the rest of the day looking rather smug.

Apparently he will be in touch with regard to the delivery of unmarked bills....
Bru is a legend of mythical proportions, cheers to everyone for the offers and to Bru for finding it! I'll be arranging a dodgy meetup to exhange the goods soon!
The lid fell off because I didn't tighten it up properly, I should use a bungee cord or elastic really.. there was a lot of headbanging, rib cracking and general tightness so it took its toll on an already loose lid I think.

Legend Bru!



Active member
Bru is so sweet. He doesn't need much of an excuse to go racing down a cave! All credit goes to him and Cap'n C (who I am sure would have got there if he hadn't been drugged!) I would have really liked to have gone, but they are preparing for cider making tomorrow here, and that means in reality I would not have done it, as I would have had to go alone. (Scary dark....)


Active member
BTW how do you do it Hughie, in a traditional cider press/vat, with naturally occurring yeasts, or by more modern methods?


Active member
shotlighter said:
BTW how do you do it Hughie, in a traditional cider press/vat, with naturally occurring yeasts, or by more modern methods?

Totally traditionally. No modern methods at all. Mill and press are around 140 years old, although the mill is driven by an ancient Petter engine. We use reed straw between the layers of apple. It's good fun.


Active member
Yep - all done at the farm. Just yards from our back door.
This is the last of three batches of cider that we are making this year. Usually it is November, though sometimes we make an early batch in October. it is a lovely old press that is used, elm I think.
There are usually a few spectators - testing last years cider as they watch! You would be most welcome. Starts about 7.30 tonight. Otherwise you will have to wait until next year!