High gill caves, Dent


Well-known member
I went down well attempted to go down these little Dent gems yesterday, and here's me report.

High gill upper cave - Status BLOCKED

Unless I was looking in the wrong place and believe me I was looking for a while, it looks like the shale bank above the entrance has collapsed and completely covered the entrance, there is still 1 slot there, but about 0.5m in, it's less than 6 inches wide and I think a far rabbit would have trouble. The rift is solid rock, so that can't be the way in and I can only assume the entrance is buried under all that shale.



High gill middle cave - Status BLOCKED/UNKNOWN

I went to the location described and is indeed is still blocked by farm plastic, I even had a little dig but got no-where. However, in this case there is something odd. The shake hole as described by NC is just too high (above the shale). Secondly I looked at the survey for this cave and it describes "Stream sink" at the entrance, so I don't think this is where the entrance is and instead one should look in the stream bed below which would make far more sense as to the location, precisely where, I don't know? I did not see an entrance on the way up.


High gill lower cave - Status OPEN

Finally I was able to do a little bit of caving, however, there was no rope on the up pitch so like the book says a scaling pole would be required. There's also a few side passages not mentioned in the book or survey that must add 50 or 60m onto the place, one dry, one wet. The dry one being the largest and longest, where I was stopped by a too tight squeeze (probably too tight for anyone but a kid).


Just thought I would mention all this before anyone else has an almost wasted trip up to these caves.


Well-known member
What is all that plastic? Is it old silage bags just dumped?
Yes the shake hole is deep in plastic bags with bit's of straw in it. It was known about as mentioned in NC, but the stuff on the top looks recent, so it appears it's still going on :(


Well-known member
So is the photo on here entrance to lower cave?

Mike Wennington

New member
Yes, if you mean this one...
Upper high gill cave has been blocked with farm rubbish for at least fifteen years, l can remember trying to free it up with no luck. It would need a team to clear things , however exactly what's in the plastic bags is unclear. It's a pity because there's some pretty stuff in there with possibilities of extending the system.


Well-known member
Upper high gill cave has been blocked with farm rubbish for at least fifteen years, l can remember trying to free it up with no luck. It would need a team to clear things , however exactly what's in the plastic bags is unclear. It's a pity because there's some pretty stuff in there with possibilities of extending the system.
Worth checking what's in them. There's a good chance this is illegal, unless they have an environmental permit. See the Environmental Protection Act 1990, Section 33(1).


Well-known member
Upper high gill cave has been blocked with farm rubbish for at least fifteen years, l can remember trying to free it up with no luck. It would need a team to clear things , however exactly what's in the plastic bags is unclear. It's a pity because there's some pretty stuff in there with possibilities of extending the system.
Just to clarify - Upper high gill is blocked by a natural collapse, it's the middle entrance that's photo'd with all those rubbish bags. It;s possible from reviewing the survey it's appears it might actually be down in the stream and not where NC say's it is, see the image below from cave-maps, notice it says "Sink in bed of High Gill". Which could mean's it's not in that rubbish filled shake-hole after-all, though the SD grid ref does put it there, hmm...



Well-known member
You could leave a laminated sign on a wooden post saying something like 'This site is being monitored by concealed video cameras'. They could spend all day looking for them. On a purely abstract level I do like the photo of the plastic ;)


Well-known member
Just a note of caution though, if we report it, won't this mean we end up loosing access?

That's certainly a factor to bear in mind.

If it really is to be reported, maybe get someone unconnected with our pastime to do it on your behalf?
But even so I think you're right to be wary of rocking the boat.


Active member
That's certainly a factor to bear in mind.

If it really is to be reported, maybe get someone unconnected with our pastime to do it on your behalf?
But even so I think you're right to be wary of rocking the boat.
The alternative view is that unless these things get reported then it’s unlikely to change. I appreciate it’s tricky though - I’ve found bags of dead lambs thrown down potholes on either side of Kingsdale and chose to turn a blind eye.


Well-known member
The alternative view is that unless these things get reported then it’s unlikely to change. I appreciate it’s tricky though - I’ve found bags of dead lambs thrown down potholes on either side of Kingsdale and chose to turn a blind eye.
There's a few remains like this down boundary pot. I counted 10 mandibles some of which were neonatal.


Well-known member
The OS 1:25000 shows a cave on other side of gill to middle entrance in book (upper and lower are marked in similar positions). 1974 guide has 6 figure grid ref but no description of location - Looks like it might be a classic example of someone picking the nearest feature that they found more recently and assuming that was it... SD69368654
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