How is the recruitment going?


Active member
I heard that it was the first trip of the new year for Huddersfield last week with a few students turning up and seemingly having a good time.  That's always the case though, great thing to do with your mates in summer.

Graham Which slacker Uni to you go to?!

Ian B.

cap n chris

Well-known member
IIRC Graham is Emeritus Professor of Spelaeological Excellence at University of Bristol, are you not, sir?

Chris J

Active member
Well I'm not sure any of the Cardiff student actually read this site but they had their freshers fair on Friday and signed up (and collected money from) about 40 freshers.

Southampton have theirs tomorrow and Reading have theirs on Friday - good luck all!!


Active member

Us at southampton had ours today, and lots of people signed up though number of names dont count.
We will have to wait and see how many sign up for trips next week.



New member
Hello from Kent!

We're in week 2 now and not even sure how many people have paid up!  The union has made the signing up process online so we have to get a list off them to find out where we are!  First Freshers trip is nearly booked up for next weekend - staying in MCG i think...  Last time I heard was 28 members  :cry: but we have another intromeet / Social tonight so we'll get some more tonight no doubt!

Looking forward to CHECC - missed last year because of deadlines!  :mad:

(KUCC treasurer)


Active member

Was helping at Readings Freshers Fayre today and had great fun!!! We had lots of people sign up and after their slide show tonite they said they had 20 paid up newbies which is great! Though the amount of wimpy guys they had walking round today was funny  :LOL:


Well-known member
I don't know the actual numbers but Nottingham seem to have had a bumper year. Their first two freshers' trips are sold out with 30  :cry: going on the second one!

Everything seems to be looking very rosy, if the posts here so far are anything to go by.


How do other clubs' numbers compare: last year we printed 1000 flyers, gave out 600, signed up 200 to our mailing list, took 30 people caving and are left with 2 at the end of it (although we did manage to recuit quite a few international students who were only spending a year in the UK).


New member
Beer said:
How do other clubs' numbers compare: last year we printed 1000 flyers, gave out 600, signed up 200 to our mailing list, took 30 people caving and are left with 2 at the end of it (although we did manage to recuit quite a few international students who were only spending a year in the UK).

Sounds fairly average to me, yes.  :coffee:

cap n chris

Well-known member
2 out of 200, with 30 actually going caving to begin with, sounds pretty good. Certainly above average for the country population:caver ratio. I don't suppose you happen to know approximately how many trips per year the remaining 2 cavers were doing? Do you have a record of the drop off rate and after which trips people began to dwindle? - i.e. was there a nasty cold tiring trip in February attended by, say, 9 people after which only 1 person turned up to the next outing? If so, it should be possible to tailor your meets list to minimise the likelihood of scaring people away too early by holding back on the gnarly stuff a bit longer. Just a thought.


Active member
Tailoring events to be more appealing, like sitting in Bernies?  ;)  Is that tailoring the caving club to not go caving because caving can be the least fun activity in the world.  :ang:

I always have said one in five who sign up turn up and it's up to you to keep them interested.

Ian B.


Weve taken about 30 underground at sheffield, but will have to see how many come back. Seems promising though, and there's even some pretty women


Chris J said:
Well I'm not sure any of the Cardiff student actually read this site but they had their freshers fair on Friday and signed up (and collected money from) about 40 freshers.

Southampton have theirs tomorrow and Reading have theirs on Friday - good luck all!!

And they managed to get an impressive number up to Penwyllt the following sunday a couple of minibuses full by the look of it.


New member
UBSS have signed up something over 80 which bodes well for having just enough left to fill next year's committee. ;)


MUSC had approx. 150 people sign up and have already dropped to 16 freshers who were taken down Giants this weekend.

I, however, was down at SWCC this weekend and saw quite a lot of Cardiff freshers (they have 64 signed up apparently!) We also ran into a group of lost cavers in OFDII from Nottingham Uni!