This page one of 22 pages:
RELVAS, Paulo; MONTEIRO, Valdemiro Grutas do Cavalum (Machico - Madeira) "Algarocho", n?9, 1?-2? trim. 1987, p. 5-8, 3 topos. Situation et description des grottes volcaniques Cavalum I, II et III, situ?es ? l'Ile de la Madeira, Portugal (AB). 88.1639
MACHADO ANTONIO Two new cavernicolous species of the genus Trechus Clairv. form the Azores (Coleoptera Carabidae) Bocagiana, Museu Municipal do Funchal (Madeira) nr.119: 8 pp. (4 fig.,6 r?f bibl.). 88.2680
MATHIAS, Maria da Luz An annotated list of the mammals recorded from the Madeira Islands "Bol. do Museu Municipal do Funchal" (Madeira), n?40 (Art. 201), d?c. 1988, p. 111-137, 1 tab., 50 r?f. bibliogr. (R?s.: E,p.). L'A. pr?sente la liste, avec annotations, des mammif?res actuels de l'archipel de Madeira, parmi lesquels il cite les 5 esp?ces de chauves-souris: Pipistrellus maderensis, P. savii, Nyctalus leisleri, Plecotus austriacus et Tadarida teniotis (AB). 88.2792
ERBER, Diether Thalassophilus pieperi n.sp. a new cavernicolous carabid beetle from Madeira Bocagiana nr.140: 7 pages (5 fig.) 91.3495
CALANDRI, Gilberto Le grotte laviche di Madeira Bollett. del G.S. Imperiese CAI, Imperia, a. XXI, nr. 36: 19-27 (abstract) Descrizione e cenni morfogenetici delle maggiori cavit? laviche di Madeira: Caverna dos Cardais (svs. 1100 m) e Grutas dos Cardais (Gruta I svs. 520 m ). Cavit? reogenetiche di scorrimento di lave basiche (GCMG). 91.1853
RELLICH, W. Madeira, ein Gebirge im Meer H?hlenkundl. Mittlg. 48 Jhrg. Heft nr.10: 180-181. : 180-181 Brandungsh?hlen und Lavah?hlen. (RB). 92.1821
CALANDRI, Gilberto L' anidride carbonica nelle grotte laviche di Madeira Boll. Gr. spel. Imperiese, Anno 22, no.39, dic.1992: 12-19 (3 cave surveys, diagrams) (engl. summ.). Tha data during a first cycle of CO2 measurements taken in the three most important lava caves on Madeira are discussed. Very low levels were found (120-260 ppm), probably related to the soil cover and lithostructural characteristics. (RB). 93.1706
MAHNERT, Volker Pseudoskorpione (Arachnida Pseudoscorpiones) von Inseln des Mittelmeers und des Atlantiks (Balearen, Kanarische Inseln, Madeira, Ascension), mit vorwiegend subterraner Lebensweise Revue suisse de zoologie, Tome 100 (4), d?c. 1993 : 971-992 (47 fig., 3 tab.) (engl. summ.). Eleven new species of Pseudoscorpiones, mostly from caves, are described and figured from:
Cabrera (Balearic Isl.)(2 Chthonius); the Canary Isl. (3 Chthonius, 3 Microcreagrina, 1 Rhacochelifer); Madeira Isl. (1 Microcreagrina) and Ascension Isl. (1 Apocheiridium). (RB). 93.3547
SERRANO, Artur R.M. Medon vicentensis n.sp., a new species of eyeless rovebeetle (Coleoptera Staphylinidae Paederinae) from a cave in the Island od Madeira Bocagiana, nr.165, Jul. 1993: 1-7. 94.3876
STOCK, Jan H. A new species of Ingolfiella (Crustacea Amphipoda Ingolfiellidae) from mixohaline waters in Madeira Bocagiana, nr. 159 (10/7/1992): 11 pp. (6 fig., 8 r?f. bibl.) (res. port.). Description de Ingolfiella (Antilleella) unguiculata n.sp. (AB). 94.3834
SERRANO, A.R.M.; BORGES, Paulo A.V. A new subspecies of Trechus fulvus 1831 (Trechus fulvus madeirensis n. subsp.) from the Madeira Island with some biogeographical comments First Symposium Fauna and Flora of the Atlantic Islands, 4-9 Oct. 1993, Funchal Madeira, Abstracts / Resumos: p.58. Localisation et morphologie sugg?rent que cette sous - esp?ce est troglophile. (AB). 94.3875
STOCK, Jan H.; ABREU, A.D. Talitridae (Crustacea Amphipoda) from non - marine habitats in Madeira Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal, n? 44 (Art. 240)/ dec. 1992 (publ. 1994): 115-129 (43 fig., 23 r?f. bibl.) (res. port.). Etude de quatre esp?ces de Talitridae avec description de Orchestia monticola n.sp. de Madeira. (AB). 94.3835
STOCK, Jan H.; ABREU, A.D. Three new species of Pseudoniphargus (Crustacea Amphipoda) from the Madeira Archipelago Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal, n? 44 (Art. 241)/ dec. 1992 (publ. 1994): 131-155 (11 fig., 21 r?f. bibl.) (res. port.). Description de Pseudoniphargus portosanctii n.sp., Ps. macrurus n.sp. et Ps. littoralis n.sp. de Madeira. (AB). 94.3836
MADEIRA, Fernando Bioespeleologia de Portugal (ens. bibliografico) Associa??o Portuguesa de Investiga??o Espeleol?gica, Lisboa, 1994: 27 pagg. Edit. F. Madeira, rua Elias Garcia 380 2E; P - 2700 Amadora. Mise au point des connaissances relatives ? la faune cavernicole et des eaux souterraines du Portugal. Bibliographie comprenant 107 titres publi?s entre 1929 et 1976. Index syst?matique. Index des cavit?s. (RB). 94.4069
CAROUGE, M. Tunnel de lave ? l'?le de Mad?re Lave, n?56 / 1995: 20. Description rapide d'un am?nagement touristique, dans une cavit? de 2 km de d?veloppement. (PHA). 95.2009
RODRIGUES MADEIRA, Fernando Jos? Antropo - espeleologia de Portugal (Ensaio bibliogr?fico) Edit. APIE Associa??o Portuguesa de Investiga??o Espelel?gica, Amadora 1995: 1-51. 692 titres. Index sp?l?ologique, g?ographique et par mati?res. (RB). 95.2014
MADEIRA, Helder; DE CASSIA PINHEIRO LEMGRUBER, Rita Expedi??o Po?o Azul Informativo SBE n?68, nov.-dez. 1996: 18-19. 96.3548
STRINATI, Pierre; CONDE, Bruno Grottes et Palpigrades de Mad?re M?m. Biosp?ol., 22: 161-168 (5 fig., 1 tab.). The taxonomic position of the specimens is unclear inside the mirabilis - berlesi complex. (JM). 96.3928
SERRANO, Artur R. M. Medon vicentensis n. sp., a new species of eyeless Rove Beetle (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae) from a cave in the Island of Madeira Bocagiana, n? 165, juil.1993: 7 p. (3 fig., 13 r?f. bibliogr.) (engl. abstr.; r?s. port.). Description d'une nouvelle esp?ce anophthalme de Staphylinid? (grotte de Cardais, S. Vicente, Madeira) et consid?rations sur le genre Medon. (AB). 97.5466
HARTMANN, Helga Die Gruta de S?o Vicente, eine Schauh?hle auf Madeira H?hlenkundliche Mitteilungen, 53. Jahrg. Heft 9, Sept. 1997: 178-179. Bericht des Besuches eines Lavatunnels, das erst 1996 f?r Besucher er?ffnet wurde. (RB). 97.5159
ASSING, V. Zur Kenntnis der Staphylinidenfauna der Atlantischen Inseln : neue Arten, Synonyme und Nachweise (Col. Staphylinidae) Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte, 42, 1998/3: 139-146 (engl. summ.). On the staphylinid fauna of the Atlantic Islands Madeira, Canarias, synonymes and records. Three new species are described; Medon feloi n.sp. from La Palma is an anophthalmous endemic species. (RB). 98.3802
ERBER, D.; AGUIAR, A. M. F. New and rare Coleoptera from Madeira Bocagiana, no 202 : 10 p. Ten new and three quite rare species of the coleopterons fauna of Madeira are listed and discussed. (author, AB). 2004.4702
See also Furnas do Caval?o
On under Portugual.