• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

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New Goyden Roof Collapse


Well-known member
BEWARE.......A block has fell out of the roof between the entrance and first pitch and another is on the move.
Planning a tourist trip on he 6th of August, how's the digging going and how wary need we be of the instability?

Does it look like something that could be trundled safely with a long stick?

Thanks for the warning.
Just to be absolutely certain - this is a collapse in New Goyden, not a new collapse in Goyden?
It is new golden not golden and it's looking like that section neefs attention as I've been noticing for past year 6 months the large block on the left as you squeeze in is dropping... I spoke to one on the black sheep chaps Nick hinchcliff and myself n few other local cavers might try and sort a gardening and scaffolding session. The roof around where the block as come down from is dipping down.

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clawrence said:
It is new goyden not goyden and it's looking like that section neefs attention as I've been noticing for past year 6 months the large block on the left as you squeeze in is dropping... I spoke to one on the black sheep chaps Nick hinchcliff and myself n few other local cavers might try and sort a gardening and scaffolding session. The roof around where the block as come down from is dipping down.

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Thanks for the info, I was there yesterday but didn't notice anything in particular, however it was my first visit (!) so nothing to compare it to!

I have put a warning about this on the CNCC website too. If the BSD do any work please could you post about it on UKC so the warning can be removed. Money from CNCC is always available for entrance work etc too  :thumbsup:
We are formulating a cunning plan, no cash needed just a bit of manpower.

To be on the safe side once you have dropped though the entrance hole into the bedding chamber stick to the right hand shale wall as this is the safest option do not go off left exploring as there is nothing to find but loose blocks in the roof. The block that Carol mentioned which forms the left hand side of the entrance wall is huge and forms a good part of the roof to the left once in the first chamber, it is obviously on the move so to avoid any Indiana Jones moments do not go under it stay on the right by the shale wall.

A smaller block has recently dropped from the roof just before the first pitch and another is looking a bit suspect do not sit and wait there. It is also wise to approach the first pitch from the right hand side which is actually the easier option for take off, a look upwards once desending the rope will confirm this is the correct choice.

Due to the heavily faulted nature of many parts of the Goydon/New Goydon system take care when moving around, never assume things are safe, stuff does move around especially after flooding.

Nick B
Swallowneck's comment about 'just a bit of manpower' is key....we typically at the moment have just two diggers (hopefully three soon) and important links between the systems being pushed. There are people I know who use New Goyden regularly be good someone could take this work on - what is required is building stone pillars to support the roof where required with material that is there