Ogof fawr / Ogof fechan


Well-known member
Does anybody know if the line of dolines between these two caves have been dug. And if so , which club dug them . I went down both caves today and was intrigued by the size of the dolines and the volume, clearly there has been some underground passage formation (and collapse ) in this area. Thank you


Well-known member


Whilst not specifically covering the area you refer to in detail, you might be interested in the postulations and surface work carried out by Dr. John Wilcock and members of the WSG between 2000 and 2009. This work is part of a huge summary of similar work across the area from Pant Mawr across the Northern Outcrop. WSG Bulletin Volume 9 No. 10 - January 2009 refers.

Our website is presently under redevelopment and the bulletins are not currently on-line.

PM me if you need a copy.

The line of dolines you talk about probably lie above the main long passage within Ogof Fawr. This east/west strike passage is heading roughly towards the sump zone in Ogof Fechan but approximately 200 -300 metres away.
A grade 3 survey showing the ends of Ogof Fawr and Fechan has been produced and is in an article on the discoveries made in Fawr in the SWCC 75th Anniversary Publication, Volume 2, p 126 or in Pelobates 89, the Croydon CC magazine which is on the club website.