Old pics

Duck ditch

New member
Wasn?t sure if I should have posted on wezzit.  Some old photos but where are they taken?
Apart from one I?m not 100%. Sure.


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Duck ditch

New member
Sorry I got them upside down etc.  I need lessons in this and you tube clips.  Those won?t be caving though.  I think they are from between 1940 and 1950. 
They are some pics that my dad may have taken.  He wasn?t as keen as his brothers and nephews.  Some lost there lives in the war that why they could be as old as 1940. 
Talk about lockdown. They gave up 5 years not 5 weeks.  But I do know they got out and about during the war.  Sadly they are all dead.  I discovered a handful of photos after my fathers death. I didn?t even know he was into caving.  There are a few more.  After the war he joined the bpc.  I know from my uncle that he pulled his thigh muscle on battleaxe. It was a huge effort to get him out, I think he stopped after that.
Yes weathercote.  I did think juniper or nick. 


Well-known member
This is the Dolly Tubs pitch in Long Churn taken from the book Yorkshire Caves and Potholes. It remind me of you photo though I'm not sure.


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Well-known member
grahams said:
This is the Dolly Tubs pitch in Long Churn taken from the book Yorkshire Caves and Potholes. It remind me of you photo though I'm not sure.

If forced to guess, I would go for the last pitch in the dry route of Sell Gill...

Duck ditch

New member
Maybe the same places.  I?m throwing in marble steps for th3 last one as a thought.

Could be dolly tubs too though. 


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Duck ditch

New member
I will keep going with these pics. There is only another 6 more
Other than weathercote I don?t think I have a definite location.
Here goes. All suggestions welcome.


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New member
Duck ditch said:
Maybe the same places.  I?m throwing in marble steps for th3 last one as a thought.

Could be dolly tubs too though.
Is the middle picture the entrance of Rift Pot on the Allotment?

Duck ditch

New member
Marble steps is a good shout I think.  But not the large boulder strewn rift surely.
Last one is easy I know.  I have a few photos above ground of various cavers.  People perhaps particularly the BPC members might be able to put a name to.
I will post them if anyone is interested.


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Well-known member
Keep 'em coming. It's very interesting to see these old photos.
The last photo in your second set appears to be a short pitch (no lifeline) and shot in daylight. Possibly it's the 'greasy slab' pitch in Alum Pot.

Chocolate fireguard

Active member
Duck ditch said:
Marble steps is a good shout I think.  But not the large boulder strewn rift surely.
I am still thinking that rift is the 240ft Rift, close to where it starts after the Lower Main Chamber, looking back towards the entrance.
But it's at least 6 or 8 years since I was there. :(

Duck ditch

New member
Is the 240ft rift that wide. I have been up into rolypoly. I can?t imagine me climbing that wide a rift.  Mind you it?s hard to get the scale.  Mind you that was sometime in the 80s yikes.
The no lifeline photo could be the entrance gully. 
Greasy slab. Good shout given the bridge shot of alum.  I can?t say they which order any were taken.
1,  the BPC used to use the Cross Streets Pub.  Now long gone.
2,  winch meet.  Now this could be 1949 as my mother got together with my father that year.  She went down the winch as a 3rd or 4th date.
3, my uncle is the one with the jacket I?m sure.  Others could be BPC members although I do know that he caved with his cousins independently during the war.  I don?t know what they looked like.


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Duck ditch

New member
The last caving related photos.
I have no idea who any of these people are. 
I would appreciate any identification thoughts. I know they are of poor quality.

Thanks for letting me post these pics uk caving. 


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Duck ditch

New member
I wish someone could tell me how to do attachments the right way up!

Let me indulge myself with a pic of my long gone father.

That?s it.  Any input will be appreciated. Especially if anyone put names to anybody and firm up where the caving shots are.  A difficult task I?m sure.
Thanks for viewing them


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Staff member
Duck Ditch - how did you take these pictures?  How are digitised?  Did you use a mobile phone?

David Rose

Active member
These photos seem to breathe camaraderie and adventure. I'm in awe of what cavers did in that period, with the gear and clothing then available. Later generations have built on the shoulders of giants.


Fantastic Pictures Duck Ditch.

I'll pass this round the BPC collective memory and hopefully get some hits.
What are your father and uncles names?
